~40~ ~Bird Names~

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Second Letter of Middle Name

A- Sparrow
B- Lark
C- Falcon
D- Jackdaw
E- Hawk
F- Osprey
G- Crow
H- Raven
I- Buzzard
J- Magpie
K- Finch
L- Eagle
M- Bird
N- Jay
O- Cardinal
P- Crane
Q- Canary
R- Duck
S- Heron
T- Robin
U- Owl
V- Thrush
W- Swan
X- Goose
Y- Swallow
Z- Vulture

Second Letter of Last Name

A- Wing
B- Breeze
C- Flight
D- Fall
E- Feather
F- Heart
G- Tail
H- Fur
I- Pelt
J- Tooth
K- Nose
L- Fang
M- Claw
N- Face
O- Mask
P- Light
Q- Shade
R- Shine
S- Flame
T- Blaze
U- Frost
V- Foot
W- Cry
X- Swoop
Y- Leap
Z- Flutter

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