Day 02 - Part 01: The Next Quest

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March 02, 2018, 8:00 a.m.

Taeyeon: Where's Jessica?

Sunny: Well, you know, still sleeping.

Taeyeon: I'm sure she is very tired yesterday.

Sunny: I think so.

Taeyeon: Yoona, What's you cooking ? (*sexy voice)

Yoona: Just cooking this "Lucky Me, Jjampong instant noodle."

Sooyoung: Jjampong!

Yoona: Yeah. Earlier, I went out to the room and there was a package full of Korean foods.

Taeyeon: Really? From the fans?

Yoona: Yeah. There's also a letter.

Taeyeon: What letter?

Yoona: The letter that I put on the table.

Taeyeon: I see it now.

Taeyeon read the letter

Dear SNSD,

     You thought that this letter and the package is from the fans, then it's a big NO. It's a Letter Quest. Your new quest is you need to perform in University of the East. There is a Reunion for Batch 2010 IT-5B. So far as I know, all the student in IT-5B were K-POP Fans. There were SONES, EXOtics, and f(x) fans way back. The president of U.E. decided to have a concert with SNSD, f(x) and EXO on March 11, 2018. So be prepared for your performance and also be prepared for your new Daily Guider for 10 days. After reading this, there will be a sound of doorbell.

Fatefully yours,

Jonald, Manager.


Taeyeon: Woah! Yoona! Open the door please.

Yoona: Is that our Daily Guider ?

Taeyeon: Yeah.

Yoona open the door

Yoona: Good Mor... OMO!! It's...

Taeyeon: Who is that?

Yoona: It's Oppa.

All the 7 girls shock.

Taeyeon: Jonald, Oppa?

Yoona: Yes!

Jonald went inside their room.

All the 8 girls shouted, "OPPA! HOW ARE YOU?"

Jonald: I'm fine. Just fine. Where's Jessica?

Suuny: Sleeping.

Jonald: OK, I'll go to her room and stay here. Sunny, can you guide me to her room?

Sunny: Sure.

Jonald and Sunny went to Jessica room.

Jonald: Jessica, time to wake up.

Then of a sudden, Jessica slapped Jonald and said "Don't disturbed me. Just mind your own business."

Jonald: Ouch! Don't slap you Manager!

Jessica: Manager... (*SHOCK MODE)

Then Jessica woke up with a big eyes.

Jessica: Oppa Manager! Miyanhe. Miyanhe.

Jonald: Yah! What is your dream and why did you slapped me so hard.

Jessica: Hhmmm.. (*akward)

Jonald: It's OK. It's fine. Just want to remind you that I will be your 10 days Daily Guider and you have a new quest.

Jessica: New Quest?

Sunny explained to Jessica all about the new quest.

Jessica: Ok, I get it.

Jonald, Sunny and Jessica went out to her room.

At the living room.

Taeyeon: Oppa, why your cheeks is red ?

Jonald: Jessica just slapped me.

Taeyeon: Bad Jessica, why did you slapped our manager.

Jessica: I was sleeping.

Jonald: I understand her and she said "Sorry" to me.

Taeyeon: OK. So what's the plan now ?

Hyoyeon: Well, we have 9 days left to practice.

Taeyeon: Yeah, what should we perform ?

Tiffany: How about Oh!, Run Devil Run and Hoot?

Hyoyeon: Yeah, thats the time we released the song.

Taeyeon: How about adding I Got a Boy and Mr. Mr. Although it was released in 2013, I'm sure many fans want to see that performance again. Do you remember about the DKFC on MOA in 2013 and MAMA 2014 also in MOA?

Hyoyeon: Yeah, I think we should.

Tiffany: But how do we go there?

Jonald: Don't worry about that because, I graduated at U.E. and I had an OJT also as Computer Teacher at U.E. and also I have

a contact of the President of the U.E. I will set all this things up.

SNSD: Thank you, Oppa.

Jonald: Don't Mention it. So what do you waiting for, make your plan now as I go to U.E. and settle this thing. OK ?








This day and day foward will gonna be a huge throwback for Jonald. What will be his reaction when he visit his old collage school ? Will the 9 girls be able to practice perfectly for their performance ? Find it out all in Girls' Generation in the Philippines Day 02:Part 02.

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