A Bully and A Brother

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Jack and Mark were upstairs, playing video games while Sean, William and Edward were in Seans room doing whatever it is they do.

Jack was currently sitting in the blue bean bag chair he had in his room while Mark was leaning against Jack's bed. They were sitting in front of the TV playing a very intense game of Battlefield 1.

"Jack?" Mark said. He put his controller on the floor next to him. He shifted a little bit to clearly look at Jack.

"Yes....?" Jack replied a little nervously. He paused the game they were playing.

"Do you think Sean likes Edward?"

Jack let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. "My gosh I thought you were gonna come out to me." Jack laughed.

Mark smiled. "Not yet."

Jack stopped laughing. "Wait what?"

"Im not gay Jack. Chill." Mark said holding up his hands.

Jack eyed Mark. "Gotcha." He said. "Are you gonna tell Edward if I tell you?"

"No. I just wanna know." Mark shrugged.

"Well, yes. He does."

"He shouldn't." Mark whispered.

"And why would that be?"

"Edward isn't someone to have a crush on. He will play him. Edward isn't to big on dating. I mean, he could give it a try but he shouldn't expect the world. Edward isn't a good person." Mark said pushing his glasses back up on his face.

"Oh." Was all Jack could say. He didn't know how to react to that news.

"I just don't want anyone to get hurt. Especially if my brother was the cause of it."

"I know. I understand. I don't even know if Sean is gay or bi or whatever." Jack shrugged and turn back the tv, unpausing his game and continuing on with what he was doing before.


"William." Sean said calmly. After the incident with the blue eyed boy Sean decided that he was going to take William straight home. Edward came along with them only because William wouldn't let go of him. They were now sitting in Seans room, Jack was home because school ended about a half an hour ago.

"Hm?" William hummed. He was currently cuddled up next to Edward laying down on Seans grey and black flannel sheets. They were only in Seans room because Sean wouldn't let William out of his sight.

"Do you know the name of that boy?"

"You're not gonna beat him up are you?"

"If he won't I will." Edward butted in.

"Not if you want me too. But if he touches you again who knows what i'll do."

The boys stayed guiet for a few minutes, waiting for William to speak up. "His name is Felix. We have the same 4th and 6th period." William said quietly.

"Is Jack in any of those classes?" William slowly shook his head.

Sean took a deep breath in. He sat down in a navy blue chair in the corner of his room that was just recently put there. He stayed quiet for a couple of minutes. "Has he hurt you before?"

William shook his head again, hugging Edward a little tighter. William didn't know why he was being so clingy with Edward. He has never hugged anyone outside of his family. Maybe it was because he thought that Edward wanted him. That Edward actually cared.

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