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The end was near, I could feel it.

My trick worked, we got into the warehouse. And the Goliath sat inside. Half of me wished it had been empty.

But we went on with the plan. The General's men that were stationed with me moved the nuke out and attached it to the back of a flatbed for easy transport. But most of my men didn't want to traverse the twisted landscape with a nuke strapped to a truck. Luckily, Big Joe was an engineer before he became a mercenary, and since the warehouse was situated in the middle of an abandoned Tenth Kingdom military base littered with things that fly, he went to work fixing one up.

By the progress reports I got, the plane should be ready by mid day tomorrow.

The General's men didn't know why we couldn't just drive the thing out, but they had no idea what we acquired was a bomb that could destroy everything, which was good, because that meant General Sybill didn't know either.

After we set up our mini encampment, I radioed the general and told he we found a revolutionary piece of tech and were going to move it back over the wall, so she could move all additional forces north, because I told her we lost contact with the wannabe detective's caravan, so the brats were probably heading that way.

It was now past midnight, and I sat on the edge of my cot in my tent, thinking about how everything was going to plan.

And how to make sure it didn't.

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