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Out of every dark and creepy temple I've ever been in, the Temple of Arcadus definitely makes the top 3.

The lack of functioning light fixtures actually works in their favor, since it hides the peeling paint, moldy wood floors, and complete disrespect for interior decorating. The man in the robe, who I've decided to call Chang for lack of a more fitting title, guides us down what must've been the main hall at one point, and into a smaller, yet equally disgusting, side hall branching off to the left.

I feel Circe grab my arm. "The guards didn't come in." She whispers, which might as well have been a yell in the confined space.

A look over my shoulder proves her statement. "Gee, just when I was starting to get used to them."

"What do you think the Elders want?"

"Hopefully to give me a fucking medal. Or at least a plaque that says 'Best Bull-"

"Silence." Chang says in a tone that demands compliance.

We shuffle down the claustrophobic hall without another word before Chang stops before a large wooden door and turns to face us.

"The Council of Elders is group of the town's most esteemed individuals, and you will show them the proper respect. Or else-" Chang's hand flashed up, aimed at my throat, undoubtedly to get me in some kind of hold to demonstrate what would happen if we weren't on our best behavior. But I saw it coming a mile away.

I deflect his arm easily and jab my elbow into his ribcage, the air in his lungs forced out in with huff! Not stopping, I swipe his legs out from under him and grab him by the back of the neck, turning my body 90 degrees to toss him down the hall a good couple yards. Each time Chang's body thumps across the floor, the sound is amplified by the small space, before finally coming to rest face down halfway down the hall.

"Couldn't have gone ten minutes without fighting someone could you? Aren't we trying to show these people we can help?" Circe asks, arms crossed.

"He came at me! It was totally warranted." I look back at Chang who's now trying to get to his feet. "I think we'll let ourselves in if it's all the same to you Chang." I pull open the huge door and usher Circe in.

Just as I follow her inside the brightly lit chamber, I hear- "My name is not Chang! It's-"

The door slams shut before I could hear the end to his sentence.

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