Chapter 21

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For You

After talking for a while, Tobin decided to drop Alex off at home. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Tobin decided to stop by the girls' house which was a few blocks away.

"Hey why'd you leave so early? I saw you walk out with Alex," said Carli, winking. Tobin chuckled before entering the house. "Is it bad that I wouldn't take the cure for Lex?"

Hope patted her friend's back. "Of course not dude. You're a vampire! You love living this way," answered Carli.

Tobin fell back on their couch. "I know but I don't want her to be mad at me. I'm just scared, like what if I do and it's not even worth it? Like what am I gonna do? I'm for sure not going to graduate this year and I can't compel anyone to get me a job. How am I gonna take care of her?"

"This is why you don't do it," added Hope. "Too much things to worry about."

Tobin nodded, biting her lip as she thought of living a human life. It sucked then it would suck now, she thought. Suddenly a thought came to mind. What if Mallory could take the cure? She'd love to. Right?

"Where's Mal?"

"With Ray."


Alex lied down. The memories of that night replayed in her head over and over. When Tobin told her she loved her it felt like everything in her stopped. It had felt like forever since she said that.

Maybe if that stupid guy had never injected her with the cure, they'd be fine. Nothing that has happened in the past three weeks would've happened. She wouldn't have moved back, which was the worst thing since no one was ever home.

Jeni and Jeri were always at work out of town and her mom and dad stayed in L.A for the weekends.

So she lied alone, in an empty house.

Well, she thought it was.

She heard the front door close then heard clattering going on downstairs. Maybe it was just Jeri and her boyfriend, she thought.

Then she heard more of it. Someone was in her house and it wasn't a family member.

She kept the lamp off and let the moonlight shine through the glass doors that led to the balcony. She used that light to find a metal bar under her bed. She slowly turned the lock before hiding behind her bed.

Her breathing slowed down, letting her relax a bit. The doorknob jiggled, making Alex's heart race again. "Alex, I know you're in there. I could hear your heartbeat and I heard your footsteps when I came in."

She held her breath, clenching her own shirt as she knelt down praying she'd be okay. The voice didn't sound familiar and that made Alex panic even more. She looked at the balcony. "I'm sorry, I promise you it won't happen again. I need you to run! Run away from me, I can't control myself Alex."


They didn't kill him.

"I'm giving you one more chance to run." She stood up slowly and tiptoed to the sliding doors. "Five." Alex pulled the glass back, opening the door. "Four." She took a deep breath, jumping to the firm branch by the wooden railing. "Three." Loud thunder claps made Alex, jump as she carefully walked the branch. "Two." 

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