Chapter 19

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The Cure

After driving for a couple more days, Tobin arrived back at Diamond Bar, alone. While driving non-stop, Tobin left Alyssa at Houston. "You came to Houston alone, to look for a better life. You'll be fine," compelled Tobin.

Tobin opened the door not really expecting Alex to be in there with Stefan. Everything in Tobin turned into fire. Her insides were boiling as she saw Stefan kissing Alex. She reflexively pushed Stefan against the wall and held a stake made from the leg of the chair in the living room. "Let him go!"

A strong force pulled her away. Alex noticed a change in Tobin, she seemed more...awake. Her eyes had this vibrant brown in them, a color she had never seen.

She was also stronger and the dark veins under her eyes were darker. Everything about Tobin had more detail. She jerked away from Alex, fixing her shirt. "Tobin," sighed Alex, breathing heavily. Her soft hands cupped Tobin's perfectly structured cheek. Tobin's head moved away from her hand. "I'm sorry."

The shorter girl didn't respond, staring at the ground. Stefan slowly wrapped his hand around Alex's arm. "Get away from me," muttered Tobin. A surprised look came across Alex's face. Stefan and Alex left, closing the front door behind them.

Tobin leaned against the wall, trying her best not to break down into tears. She grabbed the closest thing to her, throwing it across the room. She stepped to the shattered picture on the ground. A picture of her and Alex after Ray's basketball game. Her IPhone vibrated on the coffee table while flashing.

She stared at it, seeing Alex's name pop up on the home screen.


The following morning Tobin woke up in her bed with blood on the pillow beside her. She sat up quickly, confused. How did I get here, she thought. It was her room but she doesn't remember walking into it. She looked back down at the pillow, taking a whiff of it.

She felt a chilling rush inside of her. Her ice cold heart pounded quickly, adrenaline zoomed in her veins. A relieving sigh was heard as she tilted her head back in delight with her fangs exposed.

She slowly stood up and entered the restroom. "Woah," she mumbled, rubbing her eyes in disbelief. A brunette with hazel eyes brushed her hair in the restroom. "Hey," she smiled. Tobin quickly fell for her looks.

She was mesmerized by her looks. A tan slim body with perfect pink lips followed by soft and shiny wavy hair. "How? Who are you?"

"We met last night. You were pretty messed up, I had to take you home." The sentences sounded like questions. "Huh?"

"I saw you at the beach, in L.A?"

Tobin still wasn't following. "Long story short, I had to drive you home. You seemed sad and lost."

A silence fell between them as Tobin stared at her. "I am." The girl turned to her, revealing the bite mark on her neck. The bite drew Tobin close to her. She softly touched it. "Did I do this?"

She slowly shook her head yes. "I'm so sorry," she mumbled, leering at the dried blood. She gave her some blood to drink and used a wet towel to clean her up. She stuffed her face in her hands in disappointment.

"It's ok," she smiled, bringing Tobin's face up to hers. She reluctantly leaned in, kissing her. The vampire groaned, feeling a sharp pain travel through her veins. She felt weaker by the second. "I'm sorry," echoed the soft voice.

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