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???: just call me karlheinz.

Me: well are you the dad of the ba.. I mean the 6 vampire?

Karlheinz: is that important (y/n)?

Me: yes.

Karlheinz: well if I where you I would leave this mansion. Unless you still want to see air.

Me: and live with you?? How can I trust a vampire King.

Karlheinz: follow me down to hell.

And your telling I will still see air? HA!
I needed to close my eyes and boom.
The underworld is very dark. Well karlheinz house then. It's a very big mansion. Even bigger then school. Wow I'm so impressed.

Karlheinz: sit down plea...

On that moment I heard a monster walking like he is about to destroy this house. It was ayato , kanato , shu , reiji and subaru-kun.

Karlheinz: welcome home boys. I brought everybody here expect Laito.

Kanato: do you have some chocolate cookies??

Karlheinz gave him a bag full of chocolates cookies. Lucky him...

Ayato: so that you gave him a bag full of sweets can I have one full of takoyaki?

Karlheinz just ignored the fact that ayato-kun was talking. We talk together about kou-kun and Laito.

Me: my kaa-chan really wanna to confess me and I have not talk to him for years?

Karlheinz: he did it because of me. I forced him to do it that he wil be able to drink your blood for a plan.

Me: please kill me! First of all you are a crazy motherfucking dad and second of all why did you even bring me over hear?

I went so crazy that I broke al the tea cups.
What's happening with me?!

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