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Eating with the sakamaki's is worse then hell. Boys who are almost adults even 2 are already suppose to eat normal next to a female?? Please God never ever let me sit next to Laito. Having a pervert boyfriend is harder then it is. Can't even have eye contact with a boy without him thinking I'm cheating?! Let me prepare to have again one of the worst dinner party I ever had.... Should I put a sexy dress on? Yeah... Why not. Before I go and eat with animals let me listing to bangtang boys 😍.

Okay let's go!
Before even opening the door i hear somebody fighting about seats.

???: Laito shut up.
???: *fu fu* jealous little brother??
And well well... Who is eavesdropping?? Is it the  bitch-chan we all know??

Crap. He knows I'm listening. What should I do? Let me pretend sleeping.

???: awhh.. Bitch-chan pillow smells to sweet chocolate...

Me: Laito-kun!! What are you doing here?? Get out!

Laito: And leave my princess alone?? A gentleman as me wil never do that baka.

Oh so a gentleman like you throws food into somebody hair and calls that a smelly conditioner??

I left the room without even finishing my song... Baka

While walking into the living room I can smell the lovely food reiji-san is making. That makes me so happy. But my moment comes at a end when Laito-kun comes in...

Laito: wow reiji-san knows how to cook!
Shu: shut up. You're noisy pervert.

When al the other brothers come in , I'm just standing to avoid to sit next one of the triplets. But finally there are 3 seats over. Next one of the triplets. Damn... Let's sit next to Laito then...

Reiji-san made us some tomato soup. Why am I thinking about Yuma-kun?? But it's delicious. Second we get something that I don't know.

Most times is so quiet.. I have to begin a conversation with somebody.

Me: uhm.. Somebody enjoyed school today??

Everybody was looking at me like I'm crazy...

Laito: I liked biology. Learning about the female body *fu fu*

Why those Laito always have to destroy the moment😒

I wish he was more like Shu-san. He cute not talk able and hott not to forget.

Shu: well thank you??

Omg I was talking Loud??
Laito-kun walked off angry.
Wow I'm now the animal.. I destroyed our dinner party...

Laito Sakamaki MomentsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang