Chapter Thirteen - 911, What's Your Emergency?

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I know..." It is that very moment that I finally decide if I ever going to trust anyone ever again, it's Claire. "Look, this is going to sound crazy, I know. But I really need you to trust me."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm listening," she replies with her ever-growing concern.

"I think I've found a dead body—" Her loud gasp stops me from saying another word.

"How?" she shrieks. "Was it malpractice?" she asks, her voice filled with horror.

"What? No!" I cry. "I've found a dead body, Claire. Not caused the death itself!"

"What do you mean you've found a dead body? Like somebody dropping dead in their house without anybody knowing like Mr. Papadopoulos?"

"Yeah." I shrug a little. "Something like that."

"Oh. So what do you need Dean for?" she asks, confusion and naivete mix in her voice.

A shrill of nervous laughter manages to slip out of my mouth at the question. "Yeah... Here's the tricky part. I actually just found the grave, not the actual body yet." I pause, realizing how weird it must've sounded to her. "But I'm sure the body's buried here!" I add hastily, before muttering, "Like ninety-nine percent sure..."

Thanks to John and his dog-whispering ability, we—well, more like he—managed to get Annie to lead us through the woods to find the supposed burial site. I don't know which is more surprising, John talking to a dog—like what he's doing right now, or the dog's smartness and loyalty. I'm telling you; when all of this is over, I'm getting a dog.

"Wait, what? I don't get it," she says, sounding really confused.

"It's kinda hard to explain. Bottom line is, I need someone to help me dig this grave to prove my point and probably help the police crack a case too," I try to persuade her.

"Well then, aren't you supposed to call the police about that?" she says, stressing on the word 'police'.

"I did, like ten times already! And they didn't believe me! They even threatened to put me in jail! Can you believe that?" I say, feeling rather confused and surprised at how casual this conversation turns out to be. Then again, in a quiet town like Casa Nova, I suppose nurses have seen more corpses than police officers.

"I bet the one who took your phone call must be that bitch, Jenna. You know, I can't believe she became a cop. I mean, she was—"

"Ahem... " I clear my throat to bring her attention back to my problem.

"Oh, yeah. Dead body. Well..." her voice trails away. Then somehow, it's as if I can hear her smirking over the phone.

Uh-oh. This isn't a good sign.

"There is one person you can call."

I'll be damned.


To call or not to call. That's the question.

Chances are, if I call him, he'll think I'm crazy and spread the word to the whole town. But, there's also a chance—a tiny little one, considering who he is—that he'll believe me and would come and help me. Then again...

Oh for God's sake, Alexis! Just call him! He's a cop! It's his job to help people, especially when there's a dead body involved!

Well, we don't know that for sure yet...

Okay, you know what? If you're not gonna call him, I will!

I gasp as my thumb moves by itself and press dial. Not long after, dial tones are heard. I don't know why, but somehow something tells me not to turn off the phone immediately.

"Hello," the man on the other side of the phone answers, it's clear through his voice that he's munching something; something crispy.

Hmm. Chips. God, I'd kill for chips right now!

Focus, Evil Me!

"Hello?" he repeats.

But I freeze at the sound. Before I know it, I start to panic.

What am I supposed to say? Hey, detective! I think I might've come across a dead body. But I can't tell for sure because it's buried six feet under and I'm not strong enough to dig the hole. Would you come and help me dig the burial site to shut my evil self up?

"Hello? Who is this?" he repeats once more.

"Uhm... Detective Wright?" the words come out of my mouth without my consent.

"Doc? Is that you?" he replies, sounding confused.

Ugh. Is this really necessary? Isn't there any other way? Anything? Anything at all?

Shut up, Alexis. A girl's lifeless body might be laying right in front of you, waiting for justice to come, and all you can think about is your stupid pride? Shame on you!

Said the girl who was drooling for chips.

"Doc? Are you there?"

"Y-y-yeah," I stutter.

"So? To what do I owe the honor?" he continues with his usual playful and somewhat cocky tone. Somehow, the more he talks, the more I can picture him smirking like he usually does.

I take a deep breath, preparing to throw my pride away. "I... I kinda need your help," I finally say it to him straight.

"My help? Are you in some sort of trouble? Or—" he suddenly pauses. As if he's having some sort of revelation, he continues, "Wait... I see what this is. Are you drunk, doc? Is this a booty—"

Oh no he didn't!

I close my eyes tightly and shout quickly, "There's a dead body, detective!"

He stops the second he hears me. Shocked, maybe. I grit my teeth, waiting for his usual snide remarks.


"I think I might've found a dead body and..." I pause, hesitating to utter the word, "I need your help."

For a while, there's only dead silence between us. Then, all of a sudden he bursts into laughter. "Oh geez! Shawn— no, Claire! Claire put you up to this now, didn't she? That's probably where you got my number too, right?"

Well, he's not wrong there.

"I'm serious, detective! That missing girl! I think I've found her..." my voice trails away as I gaze at the ground before me.

I gulp. He doesn't believe me, does he? I mean, why should he? Everyone seems to think I'm crazy, why the sudden exception?

"Fine. Where are you?"

Author's Note:
Hey guys! So this chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but it's quite a crucial point for the story. Also, Claire and Lucas make another appearance! XD

This chapter is dedicated to MarlenGalba, who has given me such amazing advice! Thank you so much!

Anyway, I hope you like it and please don't forget to tap that little star button and make my day. Thanks for reading! :)

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