Chapter 23

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I woke up at 6am even though I didn't have to be in school until 9 but I knew if I wanted to cover my hickeys good, have time to do the rest of my face and get breakfast it would take me ages.

7am: I've been at my makeup in general for a hour and I've just done what I normally do and put my foundation on my neck so it matches my face anyways, it has covered a bit but there still quite noticeable so I put concealer over them which didn't help much but there getting less noticeable. I didn't figure anyone would notice them from a distance and no one would see them up close hopefully because i was going to be wearing a scarf but just incase I put on powder and that did the trick.

7:30am: I got dressed, which I didn't have much struggle with because of my makeup I wore a button on shirt so that was the easy way out. I headed downstairs to get my breakfast. It was still only 7:40am so I still had a good bit of time to spare so I decided to make pancakes because normally I don't have the time too. I got the mixture ready and poured it on the pan and once it was done I poured another on to the pan and began to eat my first one. I only had two because I decided they would do for my tea because I love pancakes like sm. I cleared up after my pancakes and put the dishes in the diaherwasher and headed off to school since it was half 8.

I walked into school and thankfully nobody was in yet but I did see Maisie and Camilla standing at my locker. I walked over to my locker and Maisie said: 'WHAT HAPPENED AT SIROCCOS WITH SHAWN AND JACE' and then Camilla said " WHY HAVE YOU BEEN IGNORING OUR TEXTS AND CALLS" I said to them "I've got a lot of explaining to do, don't I?" They nodded. Once I got my books I told them to come to the bathroom and I would explain everything and so I did. I explained everything from top to bottom. At first they were like "OH THAT BITCH REGINA" but then there were like "YOU AND SHAWN AGH OMG AGH" TBH that was the reaction I was hoping for, if I had got any less I would of been disappointed! But then Camilla said 'is that a hickey on you're neck" I hid my face shyly, Maisie said 'OMG' I laughed at them and we walked out of the bathroom as soon as I walked out of the bathroom, I saw all heads turn and usually it would be to Regina George to see how stunning she looked but this time it was me. Not for how stunning I looked because I didn't but the fact I was pregnant and it wasn't Jaces. Honestly I'm not sure what was even going on with me and Jace.

They all started to call me a slut and saying that I didn't deserve Jace and I should kill myself and blah blah blah. Honestly I didn't listen to them because I had a great friends and  I thought I had made a mistake with Shawn, but were not even together 24 hours and he already treats me better then Jace ever did. Maisie and Camilla stood up for me and told them to fuck off and get a life which I really appreciated. My first class was Health, it's always my first class on a Monday morning and I dread it I always have, but I hate it even more now because I sit beside Regina. Regina had her possy following her into the class or as i call her them 'the possum squad' and she gave me a smirk. She said to me "look at poor little Brooke, with no Jace anymore." I told her to get a life go away. She then asked me if I was going to the Autumn Dance. Which was this Friday, I had totally forgot. SHIT

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