Interview 56: english-rain

Start from the beginning

7. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

"Daisy Chains" is one book that's based on experience. Well, very loosely, I mean. There was [well IS, I'm still friends with him] who was pretty lonely at school, and I never really talked to him [I'm guilty enough to admit I never knew he existed. He was sort of a wallflower.] Then, I was put in a seat next to him for one of the classes we took together and we got talking. NO ROMANCE, though, I'll give you that, haha.

[Actually, I have a huge crush on him, but, whatever.]

He wasn't suicidal, and has no back story to his lonesomeness [Not that I know of] but yeah. Daisy Chains was inspired by him.

8. What books have most influenced your life most? 

"Anne of Green Gables" is one of the books that's influenced me a lot. It's taught me not to give hope, and strive to be the best and all that, haha. BUUUT, there hasn't really been any book that's really changed my life, to be honest.

9. Describe your writing style in ten words or less.

Kind. Of. Shitty.

[ :P ]

10. Where do you get your ideas?

 I get most of my ideas from people, or places around me. Sometimes, it just pops in to my head, just like that. Like any other writer really. Sometimes tumblr pictures help as well, haha.

11. What are some things you like to do when you’re not writing?

I like to...procrastinate while I am not writing, or bitch about people to my friends on the phone. Ya know, the usual girl stuff.

12. What distinguishes good writing from bad writing?

Ahh, very good but very hard question to answer. I mean, who am I to say what's bad and good right? But a key thing, I think, that anyone can spot in bad writing is punctuation, or grammar. I don't think plot has anything to do with bad or good writing. If it's a super cheesy plot written in a beautiful way, then it doesn't matter because its written really well. On the contrary, if it's written in a bad way, that just makes the entire book worse.

Dialogue is also something people need to work on. You can't expect a fifteen year old to be talking like a 50 year old man from the 1900's. J.K. Rowling is the Queen of dialogue, so you can read her books to see what I mean.

13.What is the weirdest thing that has ever been said or done to you by a fan?

Well....nothing weird, but so many have left me such sweet and flattering messages :) I love them all very much.

14. Imagine your characters are on survivor.  Who will they vote out of the book?

 I actually have no clue? It's hard to imagine them in something different to the world I created for them, haha.

15.  Do you see writing as a career or a hobby?

Maybe, who knows. I would love to publish, but I think writing is quite an unstable career. You can't depend on a book you've written to earn you some money. But if I had the chance to publish a book, I definitely would. Not in this age, because I know I would immediately be ridiculed (You know, the whole "14 Year olds' are juvenile and can't write anything but Vampire romances" issue?) but when I'm older :)

16. Will you have a new story coming out soon? If so can you tell us about it?

 I do have something in mind. I'd like to keep the plot a bit of a secret...but...oh what the heck...I'll tell you about it anyway.

It's about a couple who go through stages of their relationship and how they eventually break up because of issues that arise. Quite a tragic (Well, not TRAGIC tragic, but you know) ending. But yeah, that's the general plot.

17. What was the hardest part of writing? 

 Hardest part of writing is...EDITING (Joking. I don't edit. Ever.) All jokes aside, the hardest part of writing is actually getting the hang of all the characters. You need to know them all REALLY well. You can't make them a moody character, then a happy, cheery character in the next chapter.

18.Did you learn anything from writing? If so,  what was it? 

DON'T GIVE UP. Strive to complete it, even though the story has lots of shitty plot-holes and a totally stupid ending.

19.Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?  

THANK YOU so much for reading my works. It truly means a lot. Also a shout out to@icings, who, I know has deleted her account. But if you're reading this, I want you to know that I miss you so much and I'd like to thank you SO much for constantly reading my work and encouraging and supporting me. Also to everyone else, once again, THANK YOU for reading and commenting and voting and leaving me adorable messages <3 I swear, it all means so much to me.

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?

Don't ever think about giving up. Screw the haters, continue writing, practice, make sure to follow your dreams and the flip the bird to anyone who says you can't achieve them. It takes a hell of a time to actually get noticed on a huge site like this, but if you work hard enough, I guarantee you WILL get noticed. On the way, make friends, be nice, support other people too! :)

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