
273 15 4

jordan🌿: hi

read 23:38

will💫: hey.

jordan🌿: i know we're not really speaking but i just wanted to talk for a little while

will💫: ok

jordan🌿: i also know i messed up. and i'm sorry.

will💫: yeah

will💫: you're always sorry though.

jordan🌿: i said i love you and i swear i still do.

will💫: jordan don't.

jordan🌿: what?

will💫: it's not worth it.

jordan🌿: ..?

will💫: this. this isn't worth it. we fight, we kiss, we make up. or you send me an apology and that's supposed to make everything better.

jordan🌿: will, you have to believe me. i never meant to hurt you. you're the best thing to have ever happened to me.

will💫: yeah, i know. i believe you.

will💫: but maybe you should fucking act like it.

jordan🌿: i try. i really do.

will💫: do you? really?

will💫: because to me it seems that you always fuck things up, i get mad, but in the end I'M the bad guy. then you come back and try and fix things.

will💫: but it's like you're trying to fix a broken window with a bandaid.

jordan🌿: will

jordan🌿: i'm not like that anymore. this time without you had really opened my eyes to what my life would be like if you left and never came back.

jordan🌿: and i don't like it

jordan🌿: i spend my days alone moping around my house, watching daytime tv or doing pointless shit on my computer/phone

jordan🌿: at night i lay awake hoping you'll come back, typing out long messages to send you that i never do because i get scared and delete them.

jordan🌿: you're what makes my world go round. and without you i feel incomplete.

will💫: i'm sorry about that, but what was i supposed to do.

jordan🌿: you're the person i write shitty poetry about.

jordan🌿: i'm just asking you, please. give me one final chance to make this right and make you see that i truly care about you as much as i say i do.

will💫: this kind of true love bullshit is only in disney movies and romance novels

jordan🌿: if you give me another chance, i'll take you for a ride and show you a whole new world.

will💫: once a street rat, always a street rat.

jordan🌿: that's true. but this street rat lost something dear to him and will never let it go again.

will💫: fine.

will💫: this is your last chance. if you screw this up, i'm gone and i'm never coming back. hear me?

jordan🌿: loud and clear. i love you:)

will💫: and i, you. goodnight, jordan.

jordan🌿: goodnight, will.

read 00:27

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