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jordan🌒: will..??? where did you go??

jordan🌒: will !!

jordan🌒: will please

will💀: I left, jordan. I'm fucking gone.

jordan🌒: ????????????

jordan🌒: will, I'm so sorry I'm sorry

jordan🌒: will pelase

jordan🌒: will plaese I'm shakjnf

will💀: fuck you. fuck you, jordan. I'm so sick of you treating me like a prince one minute and like shit the next. I don't know what made me think you could be better than Isaac. but I was sure as fucking hell wrong.

jordan🌒: will what are you saying

jordan🌒: will?

jordan🌒: will pelase

jordan🌒: WILL

jordan🌒: will, I'm so sorry please

jordan🌒: please

oops! looks like will💀's device has been disconnected. we will deliver your message when he reconnects.

"FUCK!!!" I screamed as tears streamed down my face and threw my phone at the wall, "FUCK!!!" I dropped to my knees and buried my face in my hands, "Fuck."

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