Senior Year: Chapter 1

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AN: My reactions will be in bold and have this symbol, -word-, in it. That is all.

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Senior Year

Author(of story): Nightstar Fury



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Hiccup Haddock the Third. A 17 year old, popular athlete in his high school and the one that all the girls want. Works part time at his father's office as an assistant, dream of becoming a professional dragon trainer. Hiccup has many friends, always noticed. Hiccup lost his mom when he was 10, and his father is the mayor of Berk. Hiccup wishes his father would lay off and give him space. Hiccup has no siblings. Hiccup owns a Night Fury named Toothless and a Terrible Terror named Sharpshot. No one knows what he really wants except a girl he met under the screen name of: NadderGirl. -Sounds good so far...-

Astrid Hofferson. A 17 year old, loser bookworm in her high school and the one that no one wants. Works part time at her father's diner as a waitress, dream of becoming a professional dragon trainer. Astrid has a few friends and never noticed. Astrid's father passed away just recently too. And her mom is a top doctor in Berk. Astrid wishes her mom would be closer and give her time. Astrid has a sibling. Astrid owns a Deadly Nadder named Stormfly and a Terrible Terror named Speedy. No one knows what she really wants except a boy she met under the screen name of: FuryRider. -Is it just me, or is it like they switched lives?-

They both go to the same school and have no idea who the other one really is although they chat online, and text constantly through out the day. -It's that kind of story! I like that.- From the time they wake up at 6:30am until one of them falls asleep at night, or sometimes really early in the morning. They talk about everything, there are no secrets between them except their real names or what they look like past the computer or phone screen. -So they've seen each others face...?- It was an online unofficial relationship. And it only got more complicated when the senior trip was announced to be a 2 month camping trip. Their school was called Berkian Academy, a school that not only covered your basic subjects but also had an extra program for those who wanted to be dragon trainers.

It was currently 6:15am in the quiet town of Berk, the sun was just creeping over the horizon. An alert sounded waking the blonde haired girl from her sleep, she groaned reaching for her phone. Peeking open one of her blue eyes at her phone screen she saw how early it was. "Ugh..." She mumbled. Checking through her messages she only saw one from her mother, ::Morning sweetheart. I got called in early and its going to be a double. Make sure you take your brother to school for me, love you! -Mom::. Of course she got called in early. She tiredly sat up in bed and typed back a response then heard the instant message ding again, only one person messaged this early in the morning.

Throwing the covers off she got out of her bed and moved to her computer desk, she sat down in the chair and wiggled her mouse around to bring the computer out of sleep mode and there on the screen was the message from FuryRider or Fury as he had told her to call him. She couldn't help but giggle a bit seeing he was still online, another messaged popped up. -Morning, glad to see you're awake finally.- -And now my comments may get confusing. *sighs*-

Placing her hands on the keys she began to reply, -Thanks. Morning to you too. How was your night?-

FuryRider: -Eh, can't complain. You hear about the school trip? 2 months, man that's crazy.-

NadderGirl: -Right. My mom already signed my slip for it and gave me the money to go, I can't wait...finally some time out of this town...Are you going?-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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