Insane Lover (Deliriousxvanoss)

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Evan pov:

I know most people really don't like insane people cause they might be scary but, what if I'm dating one? I know it's wrong but, I can't help it. His name? Delirious. I'm thinking all of this as i'm walking to his little room like thing. Mini went to see his insane boyfriend, wildcat.

As I got to His door, I heard banging on the door. "Hey!! Let me out!! I want to see my little princess Evan!!" I heard Him say. I gripped my red skirt in my hand and said "Delirious?"

I heard him say "Evan? Daddies little princess?" I blushed at the name and said "yeah it's me daddy." I pushed open the door and closed it behind me. "Oh, my little teddy." i heard him say and next thing I know, I was pinned to the door and felt breathing on my neck. "Oh my little teddy, daddy missed his teddy"

I blushed more. "I missed you too daddy." I moaned lowly feeling him leave hickeys on my neck. "I can't wait till i get out." he said. "Wait what?" I pulled away from him. "Oh sorry teddy. Daddies insane friends and I are going to escape. Then, when we get out, we are gonna make our little innocent angels show us a little dance at the strip club. Oh it'll be so fun teddy."

Is it possible to blush this much? Well in case you didn't know, my friends David or Nogla, Craig or Mini, and I are boys but we dress feminine. Davids boyfriend is Lui,who is best friends and in a gang with Jon.

Mini's boyfriend is Wildcat. Who is also in a gang with Jon. But Jon is the leader. All three are full of tattoos and piercings. "O-okay daddy" I stutter out still blushing. I see Jon smirk and I look down.

"Let's do this teddy"

Sorry this wasn't long or good. Im new to this. Requests are open

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