How It All Started

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This is the story of the time I got too close to the wrong person and it ended in worldwide disaster. Of course I never expected things to end the way they did, or even start the way they did for that matter. It all started with a Blackhawks obsession that I thought I had under control, as I did with all of my previous obsessions. Except this one was so real and so vivid because I was so much closer to the players than I thought I was. The fact that they practiced less than an hour away from where I lived gave me opportunities. I took all of them. It didn’t end so well. And it ended badly with the person I least expected to even talk to me. He’s dreamy. He’s sexy. He’s everything I want in my bed and in my world. I never thought I could ever have him. I never thought he would consider me an option. He has a girlfriend too. That made it even juicier for me to think that I took first priority over her. I didn’t think I would. I didn’t think it was possible. Even after all of this happened I still can’t believe he fell for me. Well, he made me think he fell for me. Brain washed me, that stupid douche bag. Why did he pretend he cared? Because he wanted a nice lay and a place to explore his fantasies and meet his urges. Why did I not see that coming? I thought he was a nice guy who really cared. And I guess everyone else did too. It’s hard to really understand people. Especially famous people. And I never gave two shits about how other people behaved or treated me until he came along. Damn you. You and your sexy body and sweet talking. That must be how you get your way on the ice. You just sweet talk the living hell out of the retarded players. Give them a little something to think about during the game. Just look up into the stands and remind them that they could have anyone up there if they wanted. But they choose the game. Even Crawford falls for you. Trusts you. Protected you during a fight in one game. I guess all that is just for show on the ice. It was only show on the webcam for me. To think I still have feelings for the asshole. They are in the back of my head because that’s where I store unnecessary information, but they are still there. And I feel like the world needs to know exactly how my story goes. Because I don’t want any other girls having to experience what I went through. Getting played by a player, both metaphorically and literally in his case. They say that the goalie has the biggest stick on the ice but the captain knows how to use his small one better. Damn you, Toews.

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