(2) The bad girl falling for a bad boy?

Start from the beginning

The restaurant was only a ten minute walk away, but I was about to be late so I ran. I made it in exactly two minutes early. "Morning, Boss." Everyone just called the owner 'Boss'.

He shook his head, "Another two minutes and you would have been toast." He didn't say it in a mean way or as a threat, more like he was impressed by my determination.

The manager, Kylie, told me, "A group of guys just walked in, they're at table 8."

"Alright," I said, and went to get an apron with pockets. As I walked to the table I thought, 'No fucking way'. Michael was sitting there with three other guys. I decided to mess with him and freak him out a little. This was gonna be funny.

Michael's POV

As soon as the guys saw me, they knew something was up. "You seem relaxed. What did you do last night?" Jake asked me.

Jose said, "Yeah, man, you look like you spent a week in Hawaii in one night."

They were my boys, and I always told them everything. "I had a chick over last night. A-fucking-mazing."

They all made 'ooh' sounds. "Who was she? You gettin' serious with her or just havin' some fun?" Gavin asked.

"Nah, we're just having fun. Seriously, bro, it was great."

"I can tell. You're practically glowing," Jose said. Then they all exchanged worried looks.

"What's wrong guys?"

"Did she get you pregnant?" Jake asked in a gentle voice.

We all busted out laughing. That lasted about 10 minutes and then Gavin said, "Let's go out to eat somewhere."

"Where?" asked Jose.

"How about Buena Comida?" Jake suggested.

"That's a really bad part of town, though," I pointed out.

"Who cares? A lot of people go there and I heard the food is great," Jose said.

I shrugged, "Whatever, but we're not taking my car there."

We ended up taking Gavin's car since it had the loudest alarm. As we were driving there, they kept asking me about Ivy. I was strangely reluctant to share any details. It felt as though last night was private. Everything was cool until Gavin asked me, "Are you getting over... HER yet?"

He was talking about my ex. That ruined my mood. I'd been trying my hardest to forget about that bitch. "I told you not to ride me about that, man."

"I'm sorry, I really am, but we miss the old you. You're too depressed lately. Forget that bitch and move on."

I just sighed. He definitely had a point, but that bitch broke my heart. That's a little bit hard to 'get over'. "How about we go out tonight and pick up some chicas?" Jose asked.

"Cool with me," Jake said.

"I'm in."

So it was settled. Tonight we would all go out, pick up some chicks, and forget about everything. We got to the restaurant, and it was pretty crowded. About 10 minutes we had to wait before someone walked us to a table. "Someone will be right with you." She gave us the menus and walked away.

While we were looking through the menus deciding what to eat, Ivy came over to us. Wait, what? What the hell is Ivy doing here? "Hi, Michael, why haven't you called me?!" Her voice sounded so whiny.

"Oh, hey, Ivy. This is Jake, Gavin, and Jose. Uh, guys this is the girl I was telling you about." Shit, shit, shit, bad choice of words. I didn't want her to think I talked about that night with my friends. Wait a second, why the fuck did I care?

"Hey," she said to them, distracted. "Why haven't you called me, though?! I thought we had something special!" What the fuck?! She was the one who wasn't even going to give me her number. All of the sudden she started laughing. "Dude, I was kidding, calm down."

The guys started laughing. I told her, "Don't do that, man; I thought I'd started something with a bipolar chick."

She laughed again, "You should have seen your face." Then she asked, "Do you guys know what you want yet?"

"You work here?" Jose asked.

She looked down at her apron, "Yeah, I work here." We all gave her our orders and she said, "The food will be done in about a half hour. I'll bring your drinks." She walked off. I couldn't help but notice that her ass looked sexy in those pants.

When I stopped staring her, I noticed all of the guys staring at me in shock. "That's the girl? The girl from last night?" Gavin asked, dazed.

"Yeah, she's something, huh?"

"She's fuckin' hot!" Jake exclaimed. "She's good in the sack, too?"

"Good is definitely not the word to describe it. Incredible is a little bit closer."

"You should bring her with us out tonight," Jose suggested.

"I don't know. I'll ask when she brings us the food." She brought us drinks and went around to other tables and did her job. Finally, she brought us the food. "Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to come with us to some clubs tonight."

"Uh, sure, I guess. Do you guys have dates?" she asked everyone.

"Nah, we figure we'll pick some girls up, you know?" Gavin said.

"If you want I have some friends who are probably free tonight..."

"Are they hot?" all three of them asked together.

She laughed and said, "Yeah, seriously. You want me to call them?"

"Sure babe thanks," Jake said.

"No problem. I'll be back in a few to check on you guys." She walked away and I was seriously hoping tonight would end up the same as last night.

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