Love Stays Forever

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Max's POV

I have to tell Aph ever since I moved out from being with Ross and Tim and moved in to my own house and that night with Aph I got a gf and now I have to tell Aph that I have gf and I have to tell my gf that I will will have kids soon
I get back to my house I walk in and sit next to my gf
(A/n what should a name be for Max's gf)
"Hey" I said
"Hey what's up why look so down" she said
"Ok I need to tell you something but if you do not want to be together no more that is fine" I said I turned and faced her and grabbed her hands
"Ok before I meet you I bagged (A/n is that a good word to put there I think it could been better) a other girl she got pregnant but she is engaged and getting married the kids are mine and the person she is getting married too is not mad I have not told her that I have a girl in my life" I said hoping that she would say something nice back to me
"Aww that is nice of him to forgive her and I would never leave you" she said giving me a kiss on the lips I just made the kiss more deep

Aphmau POV

I woke up to a text from Max that read 'hey Aph I have to tell you something' so then I texted back and it said 'ok what is it' he soon texted me back and said 'I have another girl in my life I will still keep the kids once they get older please forgive me I meet to tell you the other night but I forgot' I then said 'it is ok that you for telling me this and yes you can still have them when they get older' then in a another text read 'me, you, Aaron, and your gf will have to take good care of them' he texted me back and said 'yes of course and I was think because I live so far away I was going to move on to your street so then they do not have to be going across city to go to school on the days I have them or you' I then texted him 'ok when will that be' he said 'here soon like a mouth or two idk rn' I texted him 'ok'
After I was done texting max I noticed Aaron was not in the bed I got up and started to walk down stairs when I felt some one pick me up and carry me the rest of the way down I was put down and I was turn around to see Aaron just with shorts on and no shirt I blushed at the sight I knew he was just working out I then felt lips meet mine I then placed my hand on his abs and start to kiss back we pull away and go and sit down on the couch "why did you blushed when you saw me with out a shirt" Aaron says
"Idk i think that I have not gotten use to it or something" I say
"Oh ok" he says putting a arm around me and pulling me close I rest my head on his should and fell to sleep
When I woke up from my nap I was in bed I looked out the window and saw it was evening I got out of bed and walked down stairs and saw Aaron eating at the table and looking sad a little

Aaron's POV

I just can not believe that she would do that to me and just because we have been best friends when we had our nicknames Fc and Shu she would text me when she had a problem and I would be able to answer the problem for her now this I can't fix this no matter how hard I try I would not be able to fix this no matter what the kids will be Max's I would be a step father and Max's Gf would be the step mother if she is going to be getting married to Max, the one thing I did not want to deal with this I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I hand a pond my back and then "Aaron what is wrong" Aph said "I I can't take this any more the last thing that I want is to be a step father to have step kids to see the kids with someone less that I do not know that well" I said getting up and running for the front door I was still in my shorts and my visit I took off my visit and dropped by the door I went to the hill where me and Aph went on our first date

Aphmau POV

So what he said in the note that he gave me is not what he feels I fall to my knees and cry then came a knock on the door I just spoke "come in" I was still crying when I felt to arms wrap around me I did not know who this was I just needed a shoulder to cry on

A/n hey peeps so I made a cliffhanger finely I was going to stop around 500 but then I had a good idea not to and go on, Hope you enjoyed and have a good day or night till next chapter

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