Aaron Dose Something Bad

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Aaron's POV

<Aphmau has been telling me this and that and I feel like that she has turned into me in a way but what ever she is cute when she is mean to me cause she says sorry every time after she yells at me, she has me works the cashier for the made-cafe which I hate cause I have to do is just sit here and wait for some one to come up and buy something, right now it is 1:00pm and no one has came up to buy something the other day when I severed that one table they gave me a big tip for what I was going throw I can not believe what I'm going throw right now I just can't get over the face that I can not use my right foot at all and it sucks cause I can not work out which for a guy like me that is hard not to work out but I have to do what my sweetheart says for me to do (person walks up)>
Hi what can I do for you
Um can I get one of everything says ???
Thanks says ???
Here you go that will be $20.00
(Person runs off) ???
(Grabs my crushes)
Stop him (get to the door and holds out crushes and trips him)
What hey why would you do that for says ???
Cause you was trying to steal those
Ok ok here is the money says ???
Thanks (walks back to the cashier)
Hey Aphmau I'm going to go on home
"Ok"Aphmau says
See you at home
(I get home) <this is the time to do something that Aphmau does not want me to do>
(Gets on phone plays music)
(Takes off clothes and puts shorts on)
(Get on knees)
(Puts bad foot on top of good foot puts hands down and does push ups)

Aphmau POV

I get home and here music so I put down my stuff and go up stairs
I do not see him in the bed room and the bathroom there is one other room he can be in the work out room
AARON what are you doing
"What what" Aaron says
Do not play smart with me what are you doing
"Umm. Doing some push ups" Aaron says
No no no (turns off music)
"What I can not do some push ups" says Aaron
"Why" says Aaron
Cause I said so now get up and get down stairs
"Ok ok I will" says Aaron (gets up and goes downstairs)
Ok what do you want babe
"I will fix my own food tonight" says Aaron (hoping over to the table top)
*fixes dinner*
(Bed time)

Aaron POV

Come on (laying in bed)
"Ok I'm coming" says Aphmau *going to jump in bed*
Nu jump foot bad, owe
"I no I hurt you I will go sleep on the couch" says Aphmau
No no no I'm fine come on
"No I will not hurt you again" says Aphmau
You will not I promise
" no I will not " says Aphmau
Ok do your best sleeping BY your self and to get COLD
(2 hours)
(Aphmau gets in bed)
Hi I see you made your choice to where to sleep
"Wait you wear awake" says Aphmau
Yep (wraps arm around her)

(The next morning it is snowing outside and the streets are closed and they discuss what to do)

Hey cliffhanger
why do you have a special part in my story
Cause you no why I'm the best at any story
So I hope you enjoy bit stay toned for more

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