I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when Tris manages to duck out, under his arm... but that relief is short lived when she takes his hand and begins to lead him away. She won't do anything with Eric, I remind myself. She's just playing along so that Uri can get out of there. I keep telling myself that, and I know it's true, but it does nothing to remedy the sick feeling in my stomach.

They round the corner, and I search for the camera angle that will show me what's next just as I see Uriah glide out of the leaders' hallway toward the stairwell. Thank God. That's one less thing to worry about, now.

The view from the camera I have been searching for pops up on my screen after I type a few commands, and I see Eric's hand on the small of Tris's back, see him lean in so close his lips almost touch hers. I grip the arms of my chair once again, to keep me grounded here; if I weren't holding on so tight, I am positive I would be in that elevator already, heading up there to punch Eric in the nose for moving in on my Tris.

The door to the control room opens, and I try to look casual as I switch to another screen, thinking Gus is back. When I turn, I see Uriah giving me a discreet thumbs up. I motion him to come over to me. "I might need you to go help Tris," I tell him as I pull the hallway back up.

Uriah sighs in relief right along with me as we watch Max and Eric walk together around the corner, the elevator doors closing with Tris inside. I swallow the lump in my throat. "It looked like he was going to kiss her," I whisper. "You don't think she kissed him, do you?" I look at Uriah, my eyes pleading.

"She certainly didn't kiss him, I can promise you that.  But if he kissed her," Uriah says, "I'll bet she's on her way to the dormitory to wash her mouth out about a dozen times." I smile slightly as I release the footage, just as Gus walks in. I shut down my computer and turn off the monitor as Uriah says hello to Gus and makes small talk; his sister is in Uriah's initiate class, so I leave Uriah behind, chatting with Gus, and return to my apartment, forcing myself not to track down Tris and interrogate her. I need to trust her. She loves me. I can trust her.


I lay on my bed groaning in frustration at the jealous thoughts racing through my mind. All I can think about is that almost-kiss I saw on the screen between Tris and Eric. It has made me realize that I don't know whether I am the only guy she has ever kissed. I know she has more experience than I do- though I don't know how much- from being with me, as weird as that is to think about, but beyond that, I have no idea. Maybe I'll ask her, I think just as I hear a knock at the door. I groan. I don't want to see anyone right now.

I change my mind when I open the door to find Tris smiling at me. "So, we pulled it off?" she says after she comes in and shuts the door behind her. She grabs a water bottle from the fridge, takes off her shoes, and sits down cross-legged on my bed. I shake my head to clear it; it's so weird how comfortable she is in my apartment, though I realize she has probably spent a fair amount of time here.

I nod and chew on my lip. "Is everything alright?" Tris asks, her eyes filled with worry.

"I saw you on the screen with Eric," I admit. "But I had to go to another screen right when he looked like he was going to kiss you." I pause, then finally look at her. "Did he?"

Tris smiles. "No, Max inadvertently saved me, thank God." I sit down next to her on the bed and pull her into my lap. "You're the only one I have ever kissed, and I want to keep it that way." Well, that answers that question. I grin. Tris glances at her watch. "Thirty minutes till the rankings," she reminds me. "Should I be worried?" By the look on her face, it's safe to assume she knows the answer to that question.

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