What Dreams May Come

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Rory lay in Jess's arms on their king, sleigh bed. She turned over slowly, sinking deeper into Jess's arms.

Jess took in her smell: sweet like magnolia and fresh linens. It was her smell. The aroma washed over him and he fawned over his perfect life. How good it was to have Rory in his arms.

As time reached 2:00 am, Rory began stirring. Small whimpers followed; she seemed to be having a nightmare. When the stirs became jerks, blankets began frolicking and whimpers became tears and screams. "My baby!" She screamed, her eyes still sealed and her mind still lucid. "Don't take her!"

"Rory!" Jess grabbed her arms. "Rory, it's just a dream, you're dreaming." Jess repeated this over and over in till she awoke, sweat glistening on her forehead and the beads falling like rain down her face.

"I couldn't move!" Rory cried. "I couldn't, I was stuck!" Her words were jumbling together and her speech was slurred. Her lips were mini-tectonic plates, quivering and shaking rapidly.

"It's okay, you're safe." Jess squeezed her close, ensuring her reliance on him.

Rory sat, clinging to Jess, letting her muffled sobs release onto his chest. Calming came eventually, after moments of nurture and serenity. You're okay. Jess would say, repeating it for her worried ears to hear, even if it was for the 500th time. You're okay.

Eventually, Rory was settled down, her head resting on Jess's chest. She felt a comforting presence as she felt him breathe. "Jess." She whispered, a weak one after all the crying.

"Yes, darling?" Jess asked, stroking her hair slightly.

"Can you talk to me?" Rory looked up at with her big, vulnerable eyes.

"Sure," Jess sat up and pulled Rory closer to him, continuing to stroke her brown hair. "I love you, babe. I hope you always know that. You're such a trooper," Jess kissed her head. "You're incredibly strong, you take on all life throws at you and you come out of it wonderful every time. I couldn't imagine my life without you, Rory. Do you know that? You know how much I love you and nothing can change that. How about this: tomorrow morning, we go to Luke's for breakfast, then I take you shopping and you can go to Kacey's for a spa day. You deserve it,"

Rory would have jumped on the offer, but she was fast asleep. A small snore, not the loud, gruesome kind but the slight, cute kind, released from her mouth.

Jess laughed. "Goodnight, honey." 

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