Chapter 1

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If I had to rate my pain from 1 to 10 I would say 20. I never thought I could humanely feel this much pain. But Jesse always like to test these limits, especially on me.

I heard first. Jesse always had me as her first emergency contact. I wasn't ready to hear the man's quick voice echo through my phone.

"Are you Jamie?" He asked quickly. I could hear sirens in the background making my stomach drop.

"Yes, I'm Jamie. Where's Jesse?"

"I need you to go to West Hospital." He order.

"Why? What's happened? Where Jesse?" I was in action, grabbing my purse and keys running out of the house straight to our car. 

"There was an accident." The man started filling in, sirens still blaring in the background. "Your sister and her, boyfriend were in a car-"

I gasped loudly as soon as I hear "boyfriend and car". 

"I'll be there in five," I informed, chucking my phone and purse into the passenger seat as I shoved the keys shakily into the car. "Quick quick quick."

I reversed back without even looking blaring my horn as I went. Speeding down the street towards the western hospital.

"Fuck." I waited at the traffic light, putting on my seat belt as I fretted about Jesse.

As the other traffic slowed down I began to hit the peddle managing to cross the intersection in the second the light turned green. I crossed the last lights just as they turned red. Breathing fast I parked in the disabled parking running across the driveway into the white lit hospital.

It seemed to be packed, but that could have been me as I barged past everyone to the front desk.

"Jesse Sulivan!" I demand, slamming my hands on the counter. The women stared at me shocked. Shaking her head just as the side emergency door slammed opened two bodies on beds rolling in.

I could notice Jesse from a mile away. And yet I almost didn't notice her dirty blonde hair as they rushed the two people into the emergency. I followed right behind ignoring the call of the desk lady, I was about to start running after Jesse when I hand slammed on my shoulder spinning me.

"You are not allowed back there." The man belonging to the hand directed, his voice was similar to the one I had spoken on the phone.

"That's my sister." My voice broke on sister as the shock of seeing her in an ambulance bed, strapped down, the wide eyes didn't make it any better as the man turned to the security guards shooing them away as he grasped my arm leading me past the emergency doors.


Now staring at the body of my sister. Her face peaceful almost asleep except for the cuts, and swelling eye currently turning blotchy yellow. She was in with the doctors and surgeons for five hours, while I had waited in the room the man, Jack was his name informed me she would be put in. It was a usually blank room and a pale green curtain separating off her part of the room from the other bed user. 

Jesse had a broken leg, a bruised hip, a fractured wrist and arm, her other arm was dislocated and bruised ribs. Jamie knew that if Jesse was awake, she would have been getting an earful of complaining. But then she would have to out do mum, who was currently talking to the doctor with dad. 

Mum and Dad, otherwise known as Sheryl and David Fletcher had always been worried about Jesses' current wild streak. I was surprised by how I was both in shock and yet I could tell that deep down that I feel like everyone knew this was going to happen. Jesse was running wild and she was running towards the cliff she hopefully stopped in time. 

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