The Date Continues

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Adym's POV:
You would never imagine her surprise when we pulled up to an arcade, not the little kid arcade you would often see in small towns, but the kind of arcade you would normally see at D&B(Dave & Busters). Her eyes brighten when she realizes where we are, as we and our other friends used to come here all the time once we found out about it. Before I know it, she is running towards me and I have to brace myself so that she doesn't knock me down out of excitement. As per expectations, she jumps into my arms and gives me the biggest bear hug she could possibly muster.

Sheera's POV:
It took everything in me to not kiss him right on the spot. He looked as though he expected me to give him the biggest bear hug ever, but I am not sure if he expected me to jump to do so. I am so excited to spend the time with him, I couldn't have cared less where he took me. I wonder why I didn't take action before he left, so that maybe, just maybe he would've stayed here with me. I whisper into Adym's ear "You've made today the best day I've had in a long time, I hope we can do more to make this last." We proceed to walk into the arcade, and walk over to the counter to trade cash for coins and head over to the first game we see, which so happens to be the ever so famous skeeball machine. He puts the coins in and let's me take the first shot, knowing full well that I suck at these kind of games. When I miss, he comes behind me and guides my arm into the right direction to make at least a halfway decent shot. He continues to do so until the last ball and has me do it on my own. The very last shot makes it into the "100" slot and we both start jumping for joy as the tickets come flowing out of the machine. He was gushing at how proud of me he was, and through my excitement, I kissed him right there in the middle of the arcade. He just stopped talking and kissed me back fervorously, holding me at the small of my back for what seemed like hours, but could have only been mere seconds. He pulled me to the side and . . .

Sorry it has been so long since I've updated. I've had a writer's block for the longest time, but now I'll probably be able to update daily or at least every other day. Thank you all for being so patient with me and voting/ commenting on the passages you like.

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