Uh Oh. . .

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Sheera's POV:

He pulled me to the side and said "What are you doing to me? You are pure intoxication and I am getting drunk off of you." And for a moment I forgot where we were because I was getting lost in his copper colored eyes. Once he looked away, it looked as though he were in pain. He then told me something I'd never thought I'd hear come out of his mouth. "Sheera, I've loved you from the moment we met. You are so charismatic and beautiful and sweet and by far the most outstanding woman I have ever met. I want you to come with me when I go back to LA. I won't be able to continue my life without you in it. These past four years have been hell without you and everyday worse than the last because I beat myself up for not taking the chance to take you with me. I am so very glad that you ran into me yesterday because otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the chance to tell you how I have felt." I know that my mouth has dropped to the floor only because I can feel the dryness creeping up on my tongue and the back of my throat. Adym says something and I finally regain my composure and I look at him, I mean really look at him, just to make sure I heard him right.

Adym's POV:

Holy FUCK WHY DID I DO THAT?!?!??!? I wanted to wait for the right timing. Oh shit oh shit oh shit, fuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkk. What am I going to do if she says no? Wait what am I going to do if she says YES. I'm so nervous about her answer in general. Oh God her mouth is gaping wide open in shock and she's starring. What should I say? What should I do? Should I just brush it off as a joke and apologize or should I just go along with it.

I decided to go along with it and I'm trying to get Shey to close her mouth. I try multiple times to get through to her and for my latest attempt I say "Shey, you need to close your mouth and start walking with me or I'm going to kiss you again and it will go further than just kissing, and you know how much of a freak I am.😏" That last sentence brought her out of her stupor and she blinked a couple times and the way her eyelashes fluttered just got to me, not in a sexual way, but in the way that stuck her deeper into my mind and heart.

We walked around the arcade and talked while playing a couple games for a little while. She then brought up my proposal from earlier and asked if I had actually meant everything I said. When I told her that I did, she started smiling sheepishly and it was the cutest thing. After about an hour and winning a little bit of tickets, we went to the prize counter and I told her that she can pick whatever she wants. At first I thought she would have gotten the big teddy bear like most girls would have done, but she didn't. She picked the life size stuffed dog that resembled a husky. After that she got on her tip toes and kissed my cheek.

We exited the arcade, our new "dog" in arms, and got into my car. Shey and I talked about what made me leave and why I came back and after about 20 minutes she started to drift off into sleep. I didn't mind driving in silence, I was just glad that she was in my presence and she looked so peaceful. That is until she started to thrash and hyperventilate. I pulled over on to the curb, put it in park and killed the engine. I unbuckled myself and unbuckled her and tried to calm her down before waking her up. I tried to stop her thrashing around because I didn't want her to get hurt and ended up getting punched in the eye while doing so. It hurt, but my main concern is to make sure that she was safe. I was able to wake her up after she stopped, but the look in her eyes was that of defeat.

Sheera's POV:


I am drifting off to sleep. My main concern is that I don't have one of those nightmares again and end up in a fit.
*Dream like state*
I am in my old apartment, the one I lived in when Jay and I were together. I walk into the kitchen to get something, anything to cure my thirst. My back is killing me today, probably slept wrong again. That is when he walks in half dressed; black jeans and barefooted. Jay walks up to me, slaps my ass, grins, and says "Hey babe have any plans, if so cancel them. I'm in the mood." I know how this goes down. I say "Yes I do have plans today, and I can't cancel every time you want to get some." He gets angry at my comment and is on me in a second. I try to fight him but he is holding me down by my throat and I can't move. He rips my sleep pants off of me and shreds my underwear. I try to grasp for air and fight him but he unzips his jeans and pushes inside of me despite my cries for him to stop. He is moving fast and it hurts, but I can't stop him so I just go limp and stop struggling. When he is done he picks my head up and slams it to the floor for disobeying him and that's when I black out and when I wake up to a worried Adym.

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