Chapter 5 - a secret to keep

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Emily's POV

The sound of birds chirping was faintly filling my ears, as I shifted to my left side and let out a soft sigh.

It was such a peaceful morning and I furrowed my brows slightly, as it somehow felt a little too peaceful to be true. I slowly began wondering why my mother wasn't here yet; yelling at me for not getting my lazy ass up.

But I eventually decided to shut my mind and just enjoy this unusual, yet comfortable, relaxing feeling as long as it would last. The chilly air hit my bare skin, as I adjusted the duvet with my hands and – wait.

The bed was feeling unusually bigger and softer, and why the heck was I only sleeping in my bra and panties? My head also began to hurt like hell and I felt like throwing up all of a sudden.

I finally dared to peek open my eyes, only to shock myself completely out.

"Oh shit," I grunted, as my eyes flew wide open and I abruptly found myself in an unfamiliar bedroom.

My heart instantly began to pound against my chest, and I tried so hard to recollect any thoughts from last night, but I just couldn't remember a single thing at this very moment.

So I began to panic.

All kinds of thoughts ran crazily through my mind and I frantically lifted myself up from the bed, when a very familiar sweet voice rang through my ears.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," she said with a teasing smile pulled at her lips, as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

She then stepped completely out from the detached bathroom in the room, and took deliberately slow steps towards me, while my heart was racing wildly- this time for a whole other reason.

"Alison w-what happened?! Where are we? And why am-" I was cut off by her lips.

My eyes widened for a split second, before they shut inconveniently close at the overwhelming feeling of her lips pressed against mine. They were unbelievably soft and warm, and tasted like sweet summer strawberries.

Alison sat down gently on my lap and placed her legs on either side of mine, as she tangled her hands in my hair. We kissed and kissed and it only got more intense by every passing second.

She made a small incoherent sound in the back of her throat as she pressed closer to me, and I swear it felt like my heart was going to pound right out of my chest.

"Your heart is racing," she whispered against my lips when we eventually parted for air, the soft palm of her hand was placed over my chest.

Alison's lips lingered against mine for a moment.

Both of us were breathing heavily, and I could tell that she was staring at me, but I refused to open my eyes, as I was certainly sure that this was a dream- an incredibly good one.

"Em, sweetie, can you please look at me?" Alison murmured, as her hands gently grabbed my face and caressed it, thumbs running soothingly against my cheeks.

My head felt dizzy from the kiss, but it somehow took the edges of my sudden pounding headache. I slowly opened my eyes at her request, instantly noticing how her breathtaking ones were lingering on me.

And I drowned in them; it was like falling into an ocean, wide and blue in color.

I had absolutely no idea how long we stayed like this- staring deeply into each others eyes, but at some point I started to notice what Alison was wearing.

Looking at it made a vague memory form in my mind from last night...

She was only in her panties and some gray oversized T-shirt, which obviously wasn't hers.

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