Chapter 6 -

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It felt like the throbbing pain between my thighs was relentless, as I made my way down the hallway. My mind was running wild on the incident just minutes ago, and my heart was still not at its normal pace yet, due to my earth quaking climax in a bathroom stall.

"You okay there Em?" Alison teased with a little chuckle.

I was currently limping my way to our French class with Alison sauntering in front of me, her shoulders shaking visibly from the little laughters that she couldn't maintain.

"Yeah, it just... hurts a little bit," I answered with my head cast down; surprising myself at the words that blatantly escaped my mouth.

"Aw sweetie, where exactly does it hurt?" She asked in an innocent voice.

"Quit it Alison, I'm being serious," I muttered darkly.

She gasped slightly at the tone in my voice and had a brow arched, but before I knew it, she knocked on the door right in front of us.

"Come in please!" Our French teacher's voice sounded immediately from the other side.

Only a few students glanced our way to my big relief, when we entered the room.

A few sentences had already been written on the blackboard and the normally dry walls were decorated with conjugation sheets. Tiny blue, red and white flags were vibrantly painted where they could fit.

''Take a seat, Miss Fields and Miss DiLaurentis,'' Mrs. Delaine commanded in a bored voice.

I quickly scanned the classroom and spotted a vacant desk next to Mona Vanderwaal, and I limped my way over with my head bowed down, hiding my evident crimson cheeks.

''Pourquoi boitant-tu, Mademoiselle Fields?''

Recognizing my name in the sentence, I immediately turned around to face our teacher, not being able to comprehend a single word of what she said in French.

"I-I uh eh difficulty," I mumbled random words, as panic started to spread in me.

"Excuse me, Miss Fields, but didn't you get my question correctly?" Mrs. Delaine challenged, crossing her pale arms. After my many failed attempts and horrible accent, she'd only grown more and more impatient with me.

"Elle a eu un petit incident," Alison answered smoothly with a complacent smile.

I noticed how Mrs. Delaine smiled pronouncedly at Alison's excellent accent. She surely was her favorite student after all.

"Well, I hope you'll recover soon," she then said and turned her attention back to the blackboard.

I sat down next to Mona and opened my textbook, trying to get a sense of the gibberish that was written on the blackboard. Then I made the mistake of glancing Alison's direction, and noticed how she gave me a wide smile.

"We're actually on page thirty five, Emily," Mona whispered in a sweet tone, as she saw how I'd been flipping furiously back and forth.

"Oh, thanks," I muttered and tore my gaze away to flip on to the right page instead.


The minutes passed by, and the aching between my thighs was finally beginning to fade slightly.

I scanned the room quickly, noticing how Alison's eyes still were glued to me since we'd taken our seats an hour ago. She was seated near the window with a hand under her chin and flashing me her one-million dollar smile.

Shaking my head, I instead attempted to focus on what Mrs. Delaine had to say.

As I tried to make myself as comfortable as I possibly could, a tiny ball of paper landed on my desk from my right. Unfolding the crumpled piece of paper, I then smoothed out the creases to read the written words-

This will be our little secret - emisonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora