STAND BY ME - chapter 01

Start from the beginning

"As expected, for being away for so long." Fugaku Uchiha commented, with a small smile.

"Fugaku-san, how have you been more recently?" I asked him, he was very much like my own father. Both are determined to make the village prosper. "I hear the police force has been excelling."

"It's been going well. I'm getting a bit older, Itachi and Sasuke are handling some of the work load as well."

"You're not that old!" Mikoto said. I was always stunned by her happiness. She seemed so effortless.

I smiled. I sat down, beside my mom.

"Aya, go bring some tea if you will." My mom asked, softly. I nodded.

"I'll help her." Itachi said, getting up. I felt my throat clench, Itachi always managed to intimidate me.

He's a childhood friend, but I could just never get used to him. He's unpredictable.

"I appreciate it." I said.

Itachi followed me to the kitchen. I took out some cups.

"Itachi, you really didn't have to... I-"

"It's okay. You were away for a month, you must be tired." He expressed concern, sincerely.

"You got that right. Anbu is getting a bit too much..."

He nodded. "I get where you're coming from. Just take on what you can handle."

"That is some sound advice. I always manage to over do it." I said, scratching my hair out of nervousness. I glance at him, he was smirking. My legs almost melted.
"I suppose some things never change." He commented.

I smiled at him. I took out tea cups, and prepared some boiling water and some tea.

"So, how has life been treating you? How is Shisui?" I asked, waiting for the water to finish boiling.

"Everything's been well on my end. Shisui's engaged now."

My eyes widened. "No way!"
"He sure is."
"To who?" My eyes gleamed curiously.
"To Kayumi Uchiha."
"Oh my gosh... they both suit each other so well," I said, dreamily, "I hope they have endless happiness." I gleamed, smiling. I love to hear that my friends are doing well. I thought flashed by me, wondering when I would end up with someone.

"I hope so too, if there's anyone who deserves it, it's Shisui."
I smiled at his comment. "You're a good friend, Itachi." I nodded.

Suddenly, it hit me that Izumi and Itachi were very close friends. A flinch of jealousy hit me in the stomach, because I once shared feelings for Itachi long ago, which he may have been aware of. But it seems Izumi is still a better match than me...

Part of me has always been attracted to Itachi. I always thought that him and I were similar in a lot of ways. Itachi was a strange case, a hard to read fellow. But his intentions are of integrity and his kindness was always endless. 

It crushed me to know that there was a someone made for Itachi... but it just wasn't me. 

I looked up to Itachi, hesitant to ask, but did it anyway.

"How's Izumi going?" With a small smile on my face, I forced myself to spit out the question.

  I have no hate towards the girl, I just wish life had been kinder. Be the bigger person here.

Itachi looked up to me, slightly surprised, his eyes widened a bit. I felt the atmosphere become a bit awkward.

Maybe I shouldn't have asked? 

"She's doing well, she's handling a lot of things like you. You see her a lot in the anbu, no?"

 It clicked to me then. That's right, she is an Anbu. I personally never thought the anbu suited her. She's too innocent. 

"As of lately, no. Hokage-sama has been loading me with tough missions far away from the village. I don't see anyone lately..." I said, pondering about my purpose. This past year has been keeping me completely alone.

I liked it, it gave me time to reevaluate myself and to reflect about who I am and what my purpose is. But I would like to have someone by my side... just like how all my friends do. 

I grabbed a tray, poured the tea into the cups, then placed the cups onto the tray.

"Here, I'll take it," Itachi gestured, grabbing the tray, looking at me, "You should go rest, Aya."

His gaze intimidated me, I nodded, slightly bowing my head downward. 

"Thank you."

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