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Many Years Later

She can see souls flickering out all around her. Death after death, it seems the wall of enemy attackers never ends. This should concern her, the Luna of the pack, but her mind is elsewhere. She can feel the pain grow and pulse through the spot of the injury, steadily increasing with every step she takes towards the clearing. The cabin lays in ruins, long destroyed by the turmoil this battle has caused across these lands. The devil himself is just retracting the silver blade as she pounces, throwing him backwards across the clearing. He simply laughs, knowing there isn't much more she can do.

MaeLynn crashes to her knees next to her fallen mate. The bluest eyes she's ever seen look up at her from under that mess of golden locks. For as long as they've been together, she's never felt as helpless as she does right now.

"My angel, I'm sorry. I love you so much Lynn, you saved me so many times. I needed you to finally be safe, I had to protect you from your demons. I was a fool, an underestimating fool. I'm so sorry my love."

His eyes close, his breathing becoming deep. The edges of her vision loose their beautiful colors, slowly shrinking as his heartbeat slows.




They slow quickly, now minutes apart.



She waits, hoping to hear it again. He can't be gone, not like this. Her vision is completely colorless, it's been so long she's forgotten how ugly it makes everything seem. Her eyes flick to her only remaining light. The intertwined souls she's woken up to every morning separate before her very eyes. His golden wolf is ripped from hers by a black light, gone. He is gone.

Only a few minutes before it will return for her. Tears stream down her face as she turns her face toward the coward who did this. This man who has threatened every waking moment of her life, has killed her happiness. He has killed her.

"You're a monster. I am ashamed to call you family, to share your blood, to be anywhere close to related to you! You must be happy killing your own children. I hope you rot, Eren."

She turns her vision upwards, the black light returned. Inside is the golden blue-eyed wolf she loves. She must follow her mate, as he goes she does too. The way of the bond. Together for all of eternity. She allows the warm embrace to remove her from her body, guiding her to her final destination.

MaeLynn sighs in contentment, finally back in Dimitry's arms. There is no fighting what happened, no way to return to what they've left behind. Their mortal lives are over.

A daughter as beautiful as the sun, golden hair and emerald eyes, stands above both bodies. She looks down at her father held tightly in her mothers arms, even in death the love is evident.

Clayton pulls her into his warm embrace, wiping her tears and letting her mourn in his arms. He knows she isn't just a pack member any longer. The oldest child, the heir, the new Luna. As the mate she just found, he is now the Alpha of her pack. This can all wait, he must be there for his mate in her time of need. He holds his love, Lilova-Marie Aleskov, even closer. His beautiful mate is hurt, he will do anything to stop her pain.

The boy with dark auburn hair watches the bodies being carried away. The trees cover him from view, leaving his emotions to flare without show. His mismatched eyes hold a deep glare as his sister breaks down in her mate's arms. They lead the pack now, he knows she will be an amazing Luna. Her mate will keep her safe, he has no doubt.

His unique eyes, one green and one blue, shine with barely concealed rage over the death of his parents. He has no mate to protect, no ties to this life, and he's already decided what needs to be done beforehand. His grandfather better be prepared, he will avenge this cruel murder and act of dishonor upon his family name. His white wolf, from his mother's side, bounds into the woods following the scent. Ethane Aleskov will not let this monster escape this fight alive. He may be young, but he is strong, his mother made sure. A gift passed down from parent to child, his guide in this new hunt.

His eyes glance down to the glowing golden wolf above his chest. This sight from his mother, this strength from his father. Ethane has been told before he is the perfect blend of his parent's bloodline. He can only hope this will be enough for this fight.

His eyes close again, following the ever-familiar grey glow of his grandfather. 

Keep running, your time is almost up.



That's all! I hope you all enjoyed! Leave a comment if you want this story made into a full-sized book. If I get enough interest, I'll lengthen it and reveal the rest of the story!

Thanks for reading!

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