Chanel #3's cry

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  "Me, Chanel Oberlin, my show was cancelled." You must be mistaking or just freaking focking stupid."

  Dean munsch sat across a large table.

  "Yes, that's what I believe I said, cancelled, but for you, I'll double check my focking papers."

  Chanel smirked and dean munsch made a smirk as well, as she flipped through papers and threw some on the ground.

  "Ok here we are, let's see, oh look like I said at first, cancelled!" "Lovin the C, is over, get all of your fake clothes out of the studio now, and if you don't have anything to help you carry your things out, the studio supplies a lovely black trash bag for you to use." Stated munsch

  Chanel smiles, and gets up, "no thanks doctor, doctor who had no show, I'll take my six outfits in my fancy car and drive away with Chanel #3, thank you very much."

  Oh and that's right, the car belongs to the studio, Cathy stated

  Chanel's eyes wided and she walks out.

  Chanel #3 was sitting in the hallway, she saw Chanel and gets up and follows after her.

  "What are we going to do now, we don't work at the hospital or live at the sorority, asked number 3

  "Nope, we don't work at the hospital, but kappa was shut down after pencil neck grace was checked into the asylum, so we can reopen it and restate everything before the serial killers showed up and destroyed are prefect gross Rich life", stated Chanel

  Chanel #3 smiled, "you are soooo smart"

  Chanel smiled and opened the large studio doors and walked outside. They walked out to the alley in the 109 degree weather and started walking.

"Damn it's hot, where are we going Chanel?

  "To kappa, where ever it's located from here, stated Chanel.

  It's freaking hotter then hell out here, can't we just call zayday or Chanel #5, asked #3

  No, I'm not calling that cow number five.

  They turned that corner and started walking towards the sun set.

  Question how is it still 109 degrees out when's it 8:30 out, asked Chanel #3.

  Does it look like im a weather woman, no so I have no idea, stated Chanel.

  Behind them, the green meanie followed them as they walked. Inside the costume, somebody watched them carefully. The Chanel's turned back and see nothing. They turned back around and the green meanie came out from behind the large trash cans.

  Dean munsch ran after the Chanel's.

  "Wait girls, I wanted to tell you something, Hester and Brock are located on bloody island and grace was released from the crazy house.

  The girls looked at her just as the green meanie came behind munsch and slit her throat.

  Munsch, turned around and fell over on the green meanie.

  The Chanel's screamed and ran over to the green meanie to unmasked him. But the green meanie got up really quickly and pushed Chanel into the building next to them. Chanel #3, hit the green meanie over his head.

  The green meanie fell to the ground. Chanel #3 put her hand over the mask and started to take it off just as the red devil turned around the corner holding a cross bow.

  Chanel #3 screamed and ran into the alley. Chanel was knocked out against the wall.

  The red Devil and green meanie both walked down the small alley Chanel #3 ran down. At the end of the alley was a chained door. It was a dead end.

  Chanel #3 screamed for help, she looked behind herself and saw the green meanie and red devil walking to her. They corner her. And just before they can hurt her, Chanel hits both of them across the heads. They both fall to the ground and Chanel and Chanel #3 runs out of the ally screaming.

  They look and see that munsch was gone.

  "Crap, dean munsch is s zombie", stated Chanel.

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