And the only reason they didn’t is because 1) the council would have killed them if they took the life of an innocent and because 2) Brendon and Marcus are my older brothers and their wolves would have revolted and shut down on them if they killed their younger sister but the rest were my brothers little friends who just went along with whatever my brothers did.

            Oh yeah what a wonderful loving fucking family I had right?

            Again note the fucking sarcasm…

            I feel my wolf stir inside her cage as she sees my brothers and their friends through my eyes…

            I can feel her anger and her bloodlust towards these people… the people who tortured us for most our lives…

            I feel my canines extend of their own free will  as I fight the feeling of my muscles contorting so they are touching the bottom of my lips and my fake blue eyes are probably glowing because  my real eyes are glowing… that’s just how pissed I am at seeing these miserable excuses of werewolves…

            Before I shift and kill someone Rick being ever perceptive and sensitive to my change in moods comes up from behind me and rubs his hands up and down my arms something my grandpa used to do to me whenever I was upset before he died.

            Yeah my grandpa and I were really close and he was the only one in my family that I actually loved.

            “These some of my best and loyal guards you will be fighting them.” The king says obliviously not noticing that about two seconds ago I was just about to shift and rip his ‘best and loyal guards’ throats out.

            “That’s cool just give Grim and I a second.” Rick says quickly before I can say anything he drags me a good thirty yards away from the king and his ‘guards’… well out of hearing range for them in their human forms

            “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Rick hisses lowly still rubbing up and down my arms gently

            He must feel just how pissed off I got a few seconds ago and how close I was to shifting something I honestly don’t do much of to begin with…

            “Those people are the reasons behind some of my scares.” I say quietly “You once asked me how I got those burn scares on my back well they gave them to me; they lit up cigars and then burnt them into my skin.” I say shuddering at the memory of my brother’s friends holding me down as my brothers would press cigars into my bare back…

            I feel Rick stiffen beside me before I feral hiss escapes his lips… I watch concerned as Ricks eyes turn from green to black a sure sign that his true form is not far off from surfacing “Rick calm down.” I urge Rick in my stern Alpha tone that surprisingly makes Rick submit to me every time I use it even if he is a full blooded royal demon.

            I think that the only reason that I am able to order Rick around though is because I am his senior officer or something along those lines…

            Rick closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths and when he opens his eyes they are back to their normal green color but there is a black outline around his eyes so I can tell he is still mad.

            “What are you planning on doing to these bastards?” Rick asks calmly

            I sick and twisted smile makes its way onto my face as some sick thoughts of revenge pop into my head…

            Oh how I wish they were criminals and not the royal guard otherwise I could have some fun with them… then again I was order not to kill them I was never ordered not to hurt them…

            “They,” I state nodding my head towards my brothers and their friends “Are all mine you won’t be fighting this time.” I state in a firm tone that evokes no room to argue “And as to what I am going to do well your just going to have to wait and find out but trust me they won’t like it.”

            “Just don’t kill them.” Rick warns his mouth twitching in the smile he is trying to keep back.

            “Now why would I do something as foolish as kill them?”  I state laughing humorlessly looking at my brothers and their friends “Death is too good for them.”

“Well whatever you’re scheming in that pretty little head of yours grim let it be known I am not going to do a thing to stop you.” Rick states “Just don’t kill them.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” I say dryly walking back to the group of guards whose asses I am about to kick with cat like grace.

            Oh this is going to be fun!

            Pay back is a bitch and these guys are going to get it back tenfold after what they did to me.

After all who ever said forgive and forget was ever in my mind when it came to these people…

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