The Truth Game

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"So you really passed up the chance to dance with Marilyn Monroe?" I asked the Doctor, enthralled in the story he was telling. For the past hour, we had just been sitting on the floor of the TARDIS, laughing and telling stories. His were much more interesting than mine, of course, but he eagerly listened nonetheless.

"Yeah, well she really wasn't what everyone made her out to be," he rolled his eyes, telling me she must have been pretty bad.

"But I suppose you don't have any trouble getting anyone to dance with you, eh?"

"I do consider myself, oh, you know, bit of a dance prodigy."

"Is that so?" I grinned mischievously. I liked teasing the Doctor. It was nice, lightheartedly making fun of each other.

"What, you want me to prove it?" There was a hint of laughter in his voice. I have to admit, I kind of wanted him to prove it.

But would it be awkward? I contemplated my answer for a second, looking at his face. Those puppy dog eyes. The sharp jawline. If I said yes, what if he was kidding? If I said no, would he be offended? Would he insist? I knew I shouldn't overthink it, but there I was, overthinking.

"Tiff? Tiiiffff?" The Doctor searched my face. "You alright there?"

"Yeah, I'm..."

My sentence was cut off as the TARDIS jerked to the left, a shudder and a hiss of hot air coming from beneath the Doctor and I's feet. The Doctor jumped up, pulling his glasses out of his suit and putting them on hastily. 

I looked at him for a second, still in a bit of a teasing mood. He looked down at me expectantly, waiting for me to get up.

"I'm waiting," I sang. 

He rolled his eyes and offered his hand to pull me up from the floor. I took it and stood up.

"So. . .uh. . .what just happened?"

"Good question. Why don't we find out?" he retorted, jogging to the doors of the TARDIS. The Doctor had an adventurous glint in his eyes.

I followed, and he pushed open one of the doors to find what looked like the middle of a sterile, white airport, buzzing with life. The air smelled pleasantly like fabric softener and soap, and I was surprised to find that every person/nonperson/looked kind of like a person there was speaking English. 

"Doctor. . .where are we?"

"That," he searched the room, scanning every face with his eyes, "is a great question."

We both just stood there, looking about like idiots, frozen, until a human-looking woman with purple hair approached us. "Are you two lost?"

I was going to quickly reply a no and just figure it out, but the Doctor stopped me. "Yes, we are, thank you."

The purple-haired woman, probably in her late 20s, I noticed had a tablet in her hand that she began to tap on. It was white and sleek looking, with a tree engraved in silver on the middle of the back side. "Name?" she asked us.

The Doctor looked at me, very briefly, and begged me to play along with his eyes. Turning back to the woman, who was expectantly looking at us, he replied, "John and Anna Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Smith, if you prefer."

"Actually," I voiced through slightly clenched teeth and elbowed the man next to me as discreetly as possible, "it's,"

The Doctor cut me off before I could continue, elbowing me back. "Oh, not this again," he turned to look at me and plead with just his eyes again. He faced the purple-haired woman, and laughed lightly, "We keep arguing over whose last name to use," he explained, playing it off perfectly. That man was a good liar, if nothing else. "Fine then, John and Anna Baker," he told the woman, who looked a little skeptical at this point.

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