My New Homes

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! Been super busy! Here's the next chapter!

I walked through the door of my house. My memory of the first time I had met the Doctor - a month and a half ago, reminded me that I was actually moving out. It was no longer just an excuse to ward off my mother, it was a real thing. I, Tiff, am leaving my house, with my family, to go live by myself.

It wasn't that my flat wasn't nice- it was very nice, large enough, but not too large. I hadn't put anything but my bed in it yet - I had to wait for the rest until the previous owner was all the way out. My flat was lost from my mind as I walked upstairs to find my bedroom a mess. It took me a second to register why it was a mess. I shook my head, my eyes squeezing together. Oh, that's right. I'm moving out tomorrow morning.

"I'm moving out tomorrow?" I asked myself, knowing that was important, but not really understanding what it meant, still standing in the doorway, peering around my room. "I'M MOVING OUT TOMORROW," I finally realized and went into a state of panic. Looking at my old, beat up alarm clock, I saw it was 10:38 and went into complete hysteria.

"I'm moving out tomorrow," I kept muttering to myself, "I'm moving out tomorrow." That's why my room was such a mess. I had boxes everywhere, permanent markers everywhere, boxes half full, full, unlabeled boxes, and my belongings all around. I was supposed to be at my new flat tomorrow morning at promptly 9 AM. Calculate in the drive, and I had to leave at 8:40.

I took a deep breath, walking over to my bed before calmly picking up a box messily labeled "ODDS AND ENDS" and beginning to pack everything, starting in on the mess that was my room.

~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~

I woke up groggily, to the annoying, repetitive, loud beep of my alarm. I slowly raised my head off my floor, the carpet indented where it was. Yawning and rubbing my closed eyes, I got up. As I looked around my room, I saw the results of staying up until 2 AM packing my stuff. There were boxes in every corner, but at least it was all packed. With my bed already in my new flat, I had slept on the floor with a random blanket thrown over me, my plastic-y black alarm clock next to where my head had been. I remembered setting an alarm so I wouldn't wake up late, but I didn't remember throwing a blanket over myself, so my mum must have.

I mentally thanked my mum before looking over at the alarm clock for the first time, the incessant beeping still going. I smacked my hand onto the off button, and looked at the time- 8:36, as displayed in digital red numbers.

Running down my stairs, I grabbed a granola bar from my pantry and ripped open the delicate wrapper. I took a bite as I ran back upstairs into my room, setting the granola bar down and grabbing my keys in one hand and a box under my other arm. I ran outside, and unlocked my SUV, and piled the box into my trunk.

In the next two minutes, I had put all 9 or so boxes into my car, some in the trunk, some in the backseats, and two in the front seat. I also had managed to finish my granola bar. At 8:40 on the dot, I took one last sad look at my now empty room before going back downstairs. Pausing before my front door, I sighed and decided not to yell goodbye, as I knew my mum would probably still be in bed.

It was a shorter drive to my flat than I anticipated. Thankfully, I pulled up in front of the large, sleek building with a few minutes to spare. I walked upstairs, to find a note taped to the door of my flat, saying, "Sorry, couldn't make it- the neighbour to the left has the key! x"

"Oookay. . ." I muttered to myself, hoping the neighbour to the left wasn't a creepy, fourty-year old man.

I hesitantly knocked on the door, not knowing what I was getting myself into. I heard footsteps in the flat coming to the door, and the next thing I knew, a perky blonde opened the door. She looked familiar, but I couldn't place her.

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