The Very Beginning

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I drove back to my house slowly, trying to hit every of those blessed red lights along the way, delaying my route. I let out a heavy sigh, trying to permanently etch every detail of the man in my head. The close-cut hair, the, quite frankly, large ears, the leather jacket. I saw his piercing stare in my mind, a pair of eyes who had obviously seen a lot.

I remember the first time I had met the Doctor. I replayed the memory in my brain.


"Oi, Tiffany, where do you think you're going?" my mother demanded of me as I grabbed my keys out of my bag hanging on my arm, walking towards the door, my keys jingling.

I let out a sigh before turning around to face the woman. "Out, is that such a problem? I'm 22, Mum, and I'm moving out in a month and a half. Sorry, don't mean to be sassy, but why are you always wanting to know where I'm going?"

"Just making sure you're safe. Don't talk to strangers. Don't do anything weird," she pointed from her eyes to my raised eyebrows, "I'm always watching."

"Whatever you say, whatever you say," I murmured in reply as I turned back toward the door, a slight smile on my face. My mum was always making jokes, but she obsessed over every small detail. I knew she couldn't help herself, but it got annoying after a while. I could almost feel a comment coming, and one was coming.

"Your jacket isn't straight. You really need to think about these things, people are so judgmental these days," she criticized, right on time, hastily fixing my jacket from behind so it was "straight".

"Thanks Mum. Wouldn't want to scare off any boys that might come my way with a uneven jacket- the nonexistent, invisible ones." I knew I wasn't exactly a magnet, and I was sure my jacket wouldn't make a difference either way.

Before Mum could scold me for "not believing in myself", as she always did, I called, not turning back, "Bye Mum! I'll be back around ten P.M.," and I made my way, finally, out the door.

I drove around for a few minutes, not really knowing where I was going. Finally, I decided I would go shopping.

I stopped in front of some department store I had never been to. I wasn't really looking for anything specific, I just wanted to get out of the house. Walking under the gigantic red sign displaying boldly the name of the store, (which I didn't bother to read) I saw something that immediately caught my eye.

Captivated, I stared at my object of interest: a golden key, not unordinary at first sight, but to me, it was surrounded by an aura of beautiful, white light. It was as if my brain had been taken over, and focused on that very key and nothing else. It might have been, because I knew, not even taking the time to wonder why there was a golden key on the cheap, beat up linoleum, that I had  to get the key. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as I took a step toward it, then another, then another, slowly stretching my hand toward it. It was almost as if I was in a dream, the feeling euphoric. I was so close, and getting closer and closer, I could almost taste the victory.

"Uhh. . .M'am? You alright there?" Abruptly, a blonde employee interrupted my enchanted state. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yeah," I shook my head to clear my vision, "yeah, I'm fine. Sorry," I laughed stiffly, "I think it might be the medicine I'm taking. Has some odd side effects and all that." 

That was a blatant lie, but the nice lady seemed to take my word for it despite my horrible lying skills. "Oh, that's not good. Are you with anyone? Maybe they can take you to the bathroom or something of the sort. . ." She trailed off, waiting for my response.

I was about to reply that nobody had come with me, and that I was fine, I didn't need taking care of, but a  man walked up and chided me with, "Oh there you are! I've been looking for you everywhere! You can't just run off like that, you know how hard it is to find you in these huge shops!" I immediately had a confused look, but my face was blocked by his body. "Play along," he whispered through his teeth into my ear. Usually, I would have broken away by now, and ran back to my car for a quick escape home, but I guess that key must have really messed with my brain cells.

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