Chapter 4

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"Yuuri, why did you miss practice yesterday?" 

"I couldn't make it." 

"Yuuri, why not?"

"I - I just couldn't. I had things to do." 

"Yuuri, I'm your coach. Not only that, I'm your husband. Where were you yesterday?" Yuuri looked up angrily at Viktor.

"I was busy, coach." He spat the words at Viktor. Viktor stepped back, shocked. Yuuri pushed past him and began to stretch. 


It surprised Viktor how easily Yuuri could seduce him while he skated, even without trying. He still could barely breathe when Yuuri was on the ice. Viktor wondered if somewhere deep inside the other boy, Yuuri still skated for him.

A long time ago, the two had promised each other something. But the words till death do you part didn't hold much meaning anymore. Viktor knew that he wanted to die hand-in-hand with Yuuri; but he knew he wouldn't get the chance.
The words I do seemed to have been lost in Yuuri's memories. Viktor made it his goal in life to make him remember the day they got engaged; to make him remember when till death meant forever.

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