Chapter 10

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I quivered in fear as the image of Mettaton's death played over and over in my mind. Sans was still standing there, turned away from us. I felt Chara tugging on my sweater's sleeve. She probably wanted to leave just as much as I did.

"C'mon, Azzy, the flood's going down," she whispered. We snuck out of the area and started back down the mountain, leaving the golden cornucopia behind us. Sure enough, the waters were dwindling. As we descended the rocky hill, so did the flood, gradually diminishing as we went. There were a couple times where we had to pause to give the waters some time to retreat. Now Chara and I were resting in the midday sunshine, almost at the forest's floor. We really had no idea where to go after all this. I had considered suggesting that we returned to Mettaton's camp, but I figured everything would be drowned out by now. Besides, every time I saw that one oak tree, the memories of Undyne being slammed ruthlessly against it came flooding back. The forest petal wasn't our place anymore. Neither was Snowdin, because I didn't want to be reminded of Bonnie, either.

Now we stood in the meadow. It felt more like a marsh now, considering it had been flooded with water just minutes ago. The grasses were damp and springy under my paws. Chara beckoned me to follow her, and I did, not really sure of where she was leading me. But I trusted her as I always did.

"Where are we going?" I asked, having to jog to keep up with my best friend. Chara swept her messy, reddish-brown bangs out of her eyes.

"We're going to the Ruins petal," she responded simply. My soul was pulsing with excitement. We lived in the Ruins, so of course I'd know the basics of surviving there. Besides the abundance of streams, though, I couldn't think of anything there that would keep us alive. Nothing grew in the Ruins, as far as I knew.

I narrowed my eyes against the sun's glare. The sunny afternoon was leaving me hot and exhausted, and I was grateful for the cool grass underneath my feet. My chaos sabers were beginning to be a burden to carry.

In the distance I could see the magenta outline of the Ruins petal. We were passing up Snowdin now, and we'd probably reach the Ruins in no time. I quickened my pace and strode through the fields with Chara, trying not to slow us down more than I already was. Dread tightened like a knot in my stomach. Death could be right around the corner, and I knew that, because things always happened here when I least expected them. Now that I'd gotten to witness Sans's true power, he worried me the most. I knew now that he was more than just a lazybones. Chara, however, would lay down her life to defend me. She was like an older sister to me. She'd also always hated herself for being human, and being part of the species that had trapped monsters underground. I'd always told Chara that she had no control over whether she was a human or a monster, but whenever I talked about that, she just ignored me.

The Ruins petal was much closer now. If we ran, we could probably reach it within a minute. But I found no need to waste energy. So I just skipped after Chara, who could walk just as quickly as I could run. "I have a feeling this is our last night here," I mumbled.

Chara glanced over her shoulder at me. "Asriel, don't be so pessimistic."

I frowned at her. "I thought you were always the pessimistic one."

"True," Chara admitted, looking ahead. There were the magenta stone walls of the Ruins, looming before us. It looked more ruined than ever. Tall, purple pillars lay toppled over on the ground in pieces, and vines wrapped over almost everything. Sure, it brought back some nostalgia, but it just didn't feel right. I also had the nagging feeling that the Ruins wasn't going to bring us that much further, either.

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