Chapter 7

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"Chara!" I hissed. I had lost my best friend as we made our early morning escape, in hopes to find a safer and more secluded camp. As it turned out, we were only separated from each other. Now, I was alone, afraid, and panicked at the forest's edge.

I wasn't convinced that I had traveled so far from Mettaton's camp since I'd lost sight of Chara. If the robot awoke soon and found us missing, he could easily track me down. At this point, I wasn't even that sure of where I was in the arena. However, as I peered into the darkness, the green expanse of grassy fields in the distance gave me a sliver of hope.

Feeling both my chaos sabers in my hands felt satisfying, and gave me a burst of determination as I sped through the trees. My cloak flapped behind me in a smoky purple blaze, like silky flowing waters. Dewdrops desperately clung to my fur. If monsters could ever feel the power of determination, was this what it felt like? I relished the sweet sensation of running, until I was finally forced to succumb to my two aching legs. I had reached the meadow, so why waste energy?

Panting, I allowed my legs to buckle beneath me, and I rolled into the grass. The cool, soft grass, that was dappled with sweet morning dew. I let it soak into my fur as I gazed up at the sky.

Dawn was finally showing its colors. In the rising sun, I felt exposed, just laying there in the open, where anyone could see me. I suddenly felt like an idiot for doing such a thing. Quickly, I gathered my satchel and sabers, and raced off again, still short of breath. Where was I heading? To be honest, I hadn't really put much thought into that, but the opposite forest petal seemed to be promising.

For the next hour or so, I crossed the meadow that circled the cornucopia mountain. It wasn't necessarily a mountain, but rather a very rocky hill. I took a few sips of water from my canteen, contemplating whether I should climb it or not, just to check for any left over resources from the cornucopia. Eventually, I decided against it. Whatever used to be there had probably been picked over already by some desperate scavengers.

As I was nearly finished skirting the mountain, a shout split the silence. I froze dead in my tracks. Up until then, everything had been perfectly peaceful.

This was a meadow, a space so open that I could be seen from miles around. If anything spotted me, I'd have no time to escape, nowhere to go. I'd be dead in a matter of seconds. So, I did the only thing I could do: climb the mountain.

"ALPHYS!" I could understand the voice, and I recognized it, too. It obviously belonged to Papyrus.

Luckily, the grass was soft enough to conceal my footsteps. I broke out into a sprint, darting towards the mountain at full speed. My paws met the gravel with a crunch, and I silently scolded myself for not realizing that someone must've heard me. I paused for a few moments to assure myself that no one had. Then I climbed up the hill about half way, until movement caught my eye.

Crack! I jumped as I heard the cannon shot, hoping that no one noticed. I diverted my attention to who I had noticed below me in the field.

The skeleton brothers, and both of them. They seemed startled by the sudden death, which they apparently weren't any part of. I tuned into their conversation.

"BUT BROTHER, YOU ARE SURE SHE HAS GONE THAT WAY?" Papyrus glanced around nervously. I ducked into the stone, praying that my white fur wouldn't stick out against its dull grey color.

"Positive, bro. She's headed to Hotland. Now, c'mon, we're burning daylight." Sans winked at Papyrus, proud of his pun.


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