The Story of Last Summer - Chapter 3

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'Jasper!' I shouted, 'What the hell are you doing?!'

'What? What do you mean?' he said.

'I have to go. I'm sorry,' I said, getting up to rush and find Callum. He had disappeared and he was probably gonna tell Klaus about what he saw and Klaus wouldn't be able to forgive me. But did Callum not see me push him off? Oh, god. He did see that I was at a café with this guy, which was already pretty bad. I gave up on finding Callum and ran home. 

I ran through the door panicked. 'Ella!' Hazel shouted, 'Is everything okay?'

I shook my head, quickly, 'No! Jasper kissed me and Callum saw it and I pushed him off, but Callum looked mad and he's probably going to tell Klaus right now! What do I do?'

'Okay, okay. Calm down,' Hazel said, 'If Callum does say anything, just explain it to Klaus. Actually, whether or not Callum says something, you should tell Klaus because he'll really appreciate your honesty, okay? Everything will be okay.'

I smiled, 'Thank you.'

'So,' Hazel said, 'I guess I was right about Jasper after all, huh?'

I rolled me eyes, 'Fine, fine. Rub it in my face.'

At around 6:30, I headed over to Klaus' house, afraid to face Callum and Klaus. Though, Klaus hadn't called me to cancel, so maybe Callum didn't tell him. Though, Klaus still needed to know. I mean, we haven't even had our first kiss yet and some guy I haven't seen in years kissed me before Klaus and I ever did. I rang the doorbell and Callum opened it, looking annoyed. 

'Callum,' I said, 'We need to talk. Just give me one sec.' I walked into the place and Callum closed the door after me. I went to find Klaus in the kitchen. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

'It smells so good,' I said. 

Klaus laughed, lifting up a spoon to let me taste the pasta sauce he made, which tasted amazing. 'It'll be done in a minute,' he said, 'You can go wait in the living room and have Callum entertain you while waiting. And don't worry, he'll be out before dinner.' I smiled, and left the kitchen to find Callum in the living room.

'I saw what happened,' Callum said, 'Look, Klaus doesn't deserve that, okay? He's been through shit like that and it honestly brings out the worst in him and I hate seeing him like that.'

'Callum, you've completely misunderstood what happened,' I said, 'Look, the guy I was with, his name is Jasper. He's an old friend of mine from high school. He called me this morning asking to meet up and catch up, okay? He took me by surprise by kissing me and you even saw me push him off! It meant nothing! I left as soon as it happened. I have no interest in him at all!'

'Are you sure?' he asked, looking at me for reassurance.

I nodded, 'And I'm gonna tell Klaus anyway because he deserves to know and I think he'd want me to be honest with him.'

Callum nodded, 'Just don't break his heart, okay? He doesn't deal with that stuff well.'

'I won't. I promise.' Klaus came out to set the table and Callum left. I went over to help Klaus. 

'God, Klaus,' I said, 'This honestly looks so amazing.'

'Thank you,' he said, with a grin, as he pulled my seat out to let me sit.

As we ate, I decided to tell Klaus about what happened today, 'Klaus,' I said, as he looked up at me, 'I need to tell you something.'

'What is it?'

'Um,' I started, 'Today, I went to see an old friend of mine, Jasper. And as we were talking, he kissed me,' I said, 'But I pushed him off right away and I left right after it happened. And I'm really sorry!'

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