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You are staring at your friend, when suddenly, they turn around. You were afraid this might happen. You can see into their black, soulless eyes. They bare their fangs and lunge for you. You start running away from them, all the while sobbing. Why did they have to dig out that old Ouija board. Now they were possessed. You run and run, screaming as you look behind you and see your friend's jaw unhinge. Your friend finally catches you, and in a demonic voice very different from their regular voice, says "I have a special punishment for you, as you have sinned greatly." Your friend grabs you by your hair, causing you to scream in agony. "This is nothing compared to what you will feel soon." growls your friend, dragging you by your hair. You soon pass out from the pain. When you wake up again, you are on a cold, metal table. Your friend appears holding a long knife. You try to talk, but realize you can't, as your voice box has been removed. Your friend slices open your stomach and starts pulling out each over your organs, crushing them as they go, and letting the blood drip back into you. You are wishing you could scream. Next, they slice open your head and pull out your brain. That is when you realize this is all wrong, and you should be dead. You will yourself to wake up. When you awaken, there is a shadow in the corner of your room. The shadow lunges for you, and rips out your throat. You die.

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