Chapter 08 - After Deal

Start from the beginning


"Tastier than me?" Jian Yi provoked, smiling when he saw Zhan Zheng Xi's cheeks turn into a thousand shades of red.

"JIAN YI!" He screamed.

"ARGH, YOU DAMN PERV!" The girl yelled as well.

"Sorry." He chuckled. "I really needed to see the little sister's reaction. It was totally worth it, little sister."

"Why don't you die already?"

"Ugh, you're so sour today."

"Cut it, you two." Zhan Zheng Xi interfered. "If you guys are going to fight, then please leave. Both!"

"I'm feeding you right now, Zhan Xixi, I can't leave." He blew another spoon. "Aah."

"What did you come for, by the way?" The brunet boy asked his sister after swallowing the soup.

"Mom asked me to bring you clean clothes, toothbrush, those sort of things." She said showing him the bag she carried.

"That's going to be useful." He said eating one more spoon. "You can put it on the cabinet."

"Sure." She stood up and went to the cabinet, opening it and putting the bag inside. "Dad said he's coming tomorrow to help you shower, since you'd probably be embarrassed if mom did."

"Of course I would, for fucks sake." He gulped another spoon of soup. "There is anything else?"

"No, there isn't." She said, receiving a confused look from Zhan Zheng Xi. "I'm not leaving until he leaves too, just for you to know."

"Damn, this girl is such a c-**"

"CUTEY, right? I agree completely." The brunet said, giving his blond friend a deadly glare. "Can't you control your damn mouth?" He murmured to Jian Yi.

"Sorry, I'll be quiet." The blond whispered back, looking to Zhan Zheng Xi with puppy eyes.

The three of them stayed quiet for the rest of the time being. Jian Yi kept feeding Zhan Zheng Xi under the repulsed frown of his friend's little sister. When he finished feeding the brunet, he grabbed the bottle and poured a cup of tea, making Zhan Zheng Xi drink it. Jian Yi then took his belongings and walked to the door, waving lightly to his friend. When he was closing the door, he smiled to the brunet and winked, giggling upon the other guy's reaction.


She Li was tired. He had to deal with annoying nurses the entire day, trying to convince them that the hospital's bureaucracy wasn't needed, and that he was completely fine. At evening he had to talk to the homophobic pretty girl, as people started calling her. She was so damn obnoxious he felt tempted on pushing her from the rooftop at least a hundred times.

But now he was finally home. He could take a hot shower and open a beer, which God knows how his underage ass got, and relax on his couch. She Li took off his clothes and entered the shower, groaning lowly when the warm water made contact with his skin.

Fifteen minutes and he left the shower, drying and putting on his boxers. The heater was on, so he didn't bother on wearing anything else. He headed to the kitchen, determined to drink some alcohol, when he noticed that someone was sitting on his sofa. He recognized that black hair, shaved near the nape, and those broad shoulders.

"How did you come in? I locked the door."

"You know how, She Li. Change your question, boy."

"What are you doing in here? I thought we had made our deal already. I even told the despicable girl."

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