Chapter One

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City Airport, London

Both the Potter and Malfoy families are waiting by terminal seven accompanied by the Granger-Weasley family. Ginny has tears in her eyes, hurting to see her second son leave her for such a long time. Harry hugs Albus and Scorpius, telling them that he'll miss them both. Draco, Ron, Hermione, Rose, Hugo, James, and Lily all say their goodbyes to the two.

After the return of Voldemort, Albus and Scorpius were discouraged to continue learning magic. As their parents, Harry, Ginny, and Draco told them it would be their choice to live in the Muggle world once they finished their schooling. Now that they are of age, the two wish to move to New York City, far enough away from the memories of magic gone wrong but still not extremely distant from their families. 

"We're going to miss you two." Harry says to them, his eyes beginning to look misty. 

"We know you will," I say. "We know that all of you will miss us. It's been one heck of a ride since I started at Hogwarts. We wouldn't have made it through without finding each other." I glance at Scorpius, remembering when I had first met him on the Hogwarts express almost eight years ago. He smiles at me, possibly remembering the same moment.

"This is very brave of you two, going into the Muggle world while barely knowing anything." Draco says. "Are you sure you still want to go through with this?"

"Yes, dad, for the millionth time we are sure." Scorpius responds for us both. "As Albus had said, we've been through a lot. Some of what we all went through might have been caused by us, but we had enough adventure for the time being. At least magical adventures." He pauses for a second, choosing his next words carefully. "We aren't trying to get away from all of you, we don't want any of you to think that. You chose your paths here and now it's time for us to choose our paths." Scorpius walks over to stand next to me. "We believe our paths don't involve magic. I'm pretty sure we've experienced enough magic in both our time and in part of yours."

I laugh, remembering the trouble I had gotten us into almost four years ago. We had gone in the past to try and bring back Cedric Diggory, one of my father's old friends, using a Time-Turner. However, going back in time to change the outcome of the Triwizard Tournament had caused ripples, changing major things in our present. Scorpius and I had accidentally uncreated Rose and Hugo, daughter and son of Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, just by being seen in the past. We also had done so much worse, such as killing my dad and allowing Voldemort to rule over the wizarding world and potentially the Muggle world. It's a long story, but in the end with help from our families we put everything back to normal.

Suddenly we hear "Terminal seven will now begin boarding." coming from the loudspeaker.

"This is it." I hear my sister Lily say. She comes over to us and hands us each a small rectangle gift. "I figured you might need this to survive in America." 

I unwrap her present to find a book titled "Surviving in the Muggle World: A Wizards Guide to Muggles".  I look over to what Scorpius's gift and see its the same exact book.

I give Lily a hug. "Thank you Lily, this means a lot."

Scorpius and I give our final hugs to our families. By now, most of us are storing tears in our eyes, including myself. There are several people saying "See you at Christmas?" or something similar to that. When we finish saying our goodbyes, we take our suitcases and walk side by side to the plane, ready to begin our lives as Muggles.

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