Chapter Four

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Dan can't feel Kyle next to him like he could just hours ago as he slowly wakes up. He can't even make out Kyle's figure in the dull moonlight that filters through the thin curtains. The last thing he knew, his head was resting on Kyle's shoulder, and his hand, which he is almost 99% sure Kyle held, was next to him. He liked lying next to Kyle- he likes Kyle.

"Ky?" His voice is quiet and gentle when he hears something echoing around the room. It sounds half like a heavy breath and half like a choked sob- Dan can't decide which one it is.

There is a slight shift on the very end of the bed that Dan feels, and another shaky breath follows. This causes a flicker of concern in the other boy as he moves forward, reaching out into the darkness to give Kyle some sort of comfort. His hand rests on the boy's shoulder, and he can't help but notice how damp Kyle's t-shirt, so much so that it hugs the muscle on his shoulder. 

"Kyle? What's up?" Dan asks as he shuffles forward a little bit, kneeling just behind Kyle. When Kyle doesn't give an answer, a picture of worry etches itself onto the blue eyed boys face. "Here, Kyle, come on, lie down with me. Just talk to me, okay?" 

Kyle follows his orders, lying down next to die. There are tears falling down his face and he's so relieved that Dan can't see them. The voice is whispering nasty, horrible things into his ear, and they make him shake with fear.

"Do you want anything, Kyle?" Dan asks curiously, not expecting the answer that Kyle is about to give.

"Please hold me- I know, I know it's weird, but, but," Kyle rambles on until he can no longer speak. Dan doesn't question it or let the boy talk anymore as he wraps his arms around him, pulling him close. Kyle is shaking so much that Dan fears he may be having a fit...

"Whatever is up, Kyle, it's okay. Everything is okay, alright?" Dan says calmly, rubbing Kyle's back. He didn't expect to spend the night over at Kyle's house, nevermind to be comforting the sobbing boy. 

A period of time passes where they are sat in complete silence. Neither of them really know what to say, but Dan knows that Kyle is best in his arms right now. Kyle doesn't argue with that- it stops him from doing anything stupid, anyway. 

In his head, Kyle tries to think of an excuse that means he won't have to tell Dan the truth. He knows he deserves to know, but the voice in his head says that Dan will die tomorrow if he tells him, so he keeps his mouth shut. He likes Dan- he doesn't want to lose him. He decides to leave the worrying for tomorrow and tries to sleep. He can't get rid of the nagging thought that tells him to go and flick the lights on and off. He'll do it when Dan's asleep- yeah, that'll work. He reasons with the voice, and, for once, it agrees.

The following day, Dan realises he has work so he can't stay and wait for Kyle to wake up like he wants to. He just wants confirmation of some sorts that he is okay, that whatever is upsetting him can be sorted out. He's never seen anybody in a state like that in his life, and he never wants to again. He really likes Kyle- he really does, and he only hopes the best for him. 

Instead of waking him up like he originally thought might be a good idea, he leaves a note on the bedside table on a post-it note he found on Kyle's desk. He tried one of the drawers, but it was locked. 

Kyle, I have to go to work. If you want to talk, you know where I am. 

Call me

Dan x

He leaves his number on the note, frowning at the little kiss. The idea of putting a kiss there worried him for a brief moment- he doesn't really want Kyle to think he is flirting with him (well, if Kyle did think that way, Dan wouldn't have a problem with it. He's very open to the idea. Especially if it's Kyle), but he didn't want to seem careless and arrogant if he didn't leave one. He thought that a single kiss would be friendly enough. 

Kyle wakes up at noon and immediately realises that he is no longer in Dan's arms- in fact, the boy is nowhere to be seen. He misses Dan's arms already, in their warmth he forgets how cold and cruel his mind can become. Hell, in his flurry of tears and sobs last night, he even managed to fall asleep before Dan, which meant he forgot about the lights. There is a moment of pride before he is reminded harshly that he will pay for that later. That scares Kyle. That's never a good thing.

The quick note on his bedside, scrawled out in Dan's scruffy handwriting, makes Kyle smile. The kiss on the end even makes him feel slightly giddy and flustered. He really likes, if not loves, the idea of Dan kissing him- he means leaving him kisses! Yeah, leaving them... Not actually kissing him. Softly. Against the wall of his bedroom- now he can't even convince himself that he only wants Dan to leave him kisses.

"Kyle?" His mum says as she walks into the room. Kyle has the note in his hands, but he's still half asleep. The boy's bedhead and sleepy manner makes her smile. "Do you want to go out or something today? It'll just be me, you, and your father. We need to talk about some stuff, okay?" 

 The teenage boy knows that something is off as soon as the words leave her mouth. There is something strange behind them- fear? Confusion? It's something that Kyle can't pinpoint. He doesn't like that...

I can't say no... He thinks to himself, begging that the voice actually lets him go out today. It's like he's being controlled against his will- but he can't even be rescued. The only way that Kyle can get away from the voice is by ceasing to exist.

Then go. They're probably going to tell you how much they hate you, anyway. Or that they're geting a divorce. That'll be your fault, too.

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