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Barry didn't go back to STAR Labs for the rest of the day. I waited, expecting everyone that came into the cortex to be him. But it wasn't. And it made me a little sad.

Cisco and I worked on the plans for my piano for hours, designing it technically and aesthetically. At ten o'clock when Ben called to say he wanted me home, I was happy with the finished plans for my new instrument. Now I just have to help build it.

When I get home after taking an Uber and emptying my wallet because of the expensive trip, I go straight to bed. Ben's still tree trimming, and he barely says anything to me when I arrive.

Wolfgang follows me to my room and I don't even change my clothes before using my legs and climbing into bed. I switch my phone to silent -finally- and close my eyes, feeling that tonight, after so long without it, I'll finally get some sleep.


"Sweets for my sweetie, sugar for my honey." Dang ringtone. I thought I put the stupid thing on silent. Obviously not.

"Hello?" I answer the call without checking to see who it is, and my morning voice sounds scratchy and gross. My nose feels a little blocked as well though, so maybe I'm sick.

Good. That means I can stay home and mope instead of celebrating Christmas.

"Uh, hey. It's Barry. I was just wondering if you were planning on coming to STAR Labs today. Wells wants you here for something about the man in yellow." He sounds like he knows what the answer is going to be.

"No thanks. I think I'm just gonna stay in bed." I tell him. There's a pause.

"You sound a little sick. Want me to send Caitlin over?" He asks, concern filling his voice.

"No, I just need to sleep." As if on cue, a yawn escapes my lips. Barry chuckles a little, but it sounds forced. "You okay?" There's a pause.

"I, uh... I got my ass handed to me last night by the man in yellow." He says dejectedly. Oh no.

"So he's really back?" I ask, unable to stop the shake in my voice. "C-can you come and get me?"

"Cara, you're sick. You should stay in bed. I can handle the man in yellow." Barry assures me, concern coming through his voice as he lies to me. I pretend for a second that I believe him.

"I'll stay in the infirmary at the labs. Caitlin can check in on me and make sure I'm okay." I say, trying desperately to persuade him.

"You'll only be in danger here." He says. I take a deep shaky breath.

"Barry, if the man in yellow was to attack me here at home, there'd be no way you could get here in time, even with your speed. I'd rather be at STAR Labs, where there's a whole team of people that can keep me safe. I want to be where you are." I say, those red eyes flashing through my mind again and the blankets near my neck feeling suffocating.

"I'll be there in a sec." Barry can apparently sense my urgency as the call ends, and now I realise what I just said. Shit. I sound clingy and whiney. I'm not meant to care so much about him.

I call Wolfgang up to my chest and he licks my face affectionately, whimpering and nuzzling his cute little face into my neck as a way of saying he knows I'm sick and he feels my pain.

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen/The FlashWhere stories live. Discover now