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Strangely enough, Barry's lips taste like vanilla.


A deep chuckle fills my ears as Barry pulls away, and I can't help grinning because of the musical sound. That and, well, I kinda just got kissed by my fictional crush.

"Glad you think so." He says.

"God, I said that out loud?" I bury my face in my hands. I'm so embarrassing. Ugh.

"It's okay, you taste good too." He chuckles again, trying to gently pull my hands away from my face. He succeeds and I look up at him with questioning eyes, silently asking what's going to happen now.

Please just kiss me again.

He smiles, but then his eyes widen.

"Y-you just--" He looks shocked... Or maybe terrified. What's he talking about?

Elise, you projected. Barry Allen has made your emotions get the best of you. Your guard is still up, but your thoughts are not staying in your head.

"Oh my god." I gasp, hands flying to my mouth. Shit. Fuck. Shit-fuck. Fuckity-shit. "Barry, I swear I can ex--"

"YOU'RE A META?!" In a flash, he's on his feet, pacing up and down behind the couch we've been sitting on, hands pulling at his hair anxiously. "Why didn't you say anything?"


"I was scared. I thought you might treat me like all the other metas you've taken down. I... I didn't want you to treat me differently." I rush out, rambling the most ridiculous lies, but its the best I can come up with.

Get out. He wishes to take you back to the labs. We cannot allow that.

I quickly whistle for Wolfgang to come as I lift myself into my wheelchair. My hands are shaking and I can feel tears welling up because I don't know what to do. He wasn't meant to find out this way.

"Cara, wait." Barry's in front of me, his hands on the armrests of my wheelchair and his face mere inches from mine. "What exactly can you do?"

"Please Barry, just let me leave." My voice is shaking and weak, and he visibly relaxes. For a few seconds, he stares into my teary eyes with such compassion and care that I want to tell him everything.

But only for a few seconds.

After that, he picks me, my wheelchair and a growling Wolfgang up and the floating sensation takes over my body once again. This time, instead of joy and a want to be closer to Barry, I feel sick and I'm trying to push myself away from him, even if it means I'll hurt myself from falling at such a great speed.

"What're you guys doing here? I thought you were gonna have a movie night or something." Caitlin looks disappointed, and even the fact that she's evidently shipping Barry and I doesn't change my mood.

"Cara's a meta." Barry states bluntly. Moving to the other side of the room and folding his arms over his chest angrily.

You are afraid.

Now is really not a good time, Robin.

You let us back into your head? Voluntarily?

I don't know what to do. It wasn't meant to happen this way. I was going to sit them all down and come clean about everything, but I can't now. Because I got caught up. I got too close to him. I was stupid.

I'm an idiot.

"Um, sorry, I must be hearing things; for a second it sounded like you said Cara's a meta." Caitlin says after a few seconds of shock. Barry just looks at her with a blank expression and her gaze turns to me. "You're a meta? Why didn't you say anything?"

Reality Check   : :   Barry Allen  (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now