Chapter 32: Silver's Choice

Start from the beginning

Shaking slightly from excitement Greg carefully pulled himself onto her back, sitting just in front of her wings. He gripped her horns, wrapping his legs a little tightly around her neck, but she accepted it. She doubted Greg had ridden many dragons before. She flapped her wings and was once again in the air, making sure to be gentle. She allowed herself to fall into a glide, getting used to the extra weight on her back. It was strange how having extra weight added to a flight made it just that little more difficult. But it wasn't too bad. Silver had flown with a dragon on her back before.

They made their way into the Training Centre. It was a quiet time of day, a time when only the really dedicated fighters came to practice. Silver was often amongst them, sparring with the occasional dragon and even teaching some that were not the best in combat. It was tiresome work, but she enjoyed it.

She landed at the edge, allowing Greg to slip from her back. He looked around in slight awe at the surrounding area. The massive roof was high above them, and the walls around glowed with elemental light as the few dragons inside flung around fire and water, aiming to hit their partner. A life dragon was on duty near the edge, looking insanely bored.

"Wow, this is cool!" the human exclaimed, "Dragon's in battle are seriously one of the most awesome things I've seen."

Silver laughed, "Oh, here we only play around. In a real battle we're a lot more terrifying."

"I bet," he nodded his head in agreement.

"Hey Silver!" a dragon called.

The metallic dragoness responded turning around and letting herself smile, "Faen, it's unusual to see you down here."

Faen was the name of the feathered dragoness Silver had rescued from A.O.D.H all those months ago. She was, as suspected, a light dragon, an incredibly rare species of light dragon at that. Similar to how Kunder was a rare species of ice dragon. She had been of great interest to many around Sky Mountain, especially some of the Chinese scientists. However Tyler had been surprisingly protective over her, and insisted that she be excused from any research that they had wanted. Iraliene had agreed, and so had the scientists, although rather hesitantly.

The relationship between Faen and Tyler was a surprisingly close one, closer then any relationship between a dragon and human Silver had seen before. Apparently Tyler had been the light dragon's handler in A.O.D.H, and during that time they had grown quite close. When Tyler escaped, he had promised to come back for her, and he had.

Silver wasn't quite sure how deep their relationship was, but if Tyler was a dragon, or Faen a human, she would say that the two were in love, but when asked the light dragon had insisted that the two were only very close friends. It confused Silver slightly, but it made her glad to see that a dragon and human were so close to one another.

"Tyler's busy at the moment. He apparently made some 'big breakthrough' in his search for that machine, but he isn't saying anything until he is absolutely sure," she replied with a small sigh, before looking down at Greg, "Who's this?"

"Faen, meet Greg. I lived with his family a while back, just after I had escaped from Dragon Valley," Silver replied.

"Aah, pleased to meet you young sir," the feathered dragon bowed her head slightly.

"Likewise," Greg grinned, "I've never seen a dragon with feathers before."

Faen laughed, "I doubt you have. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one."

"That's cool!"

Silver chuckled softly at the interaction. Out of all the dragons they had rescued, Faen had seemed to settle into this new way of life the easiest. She was more comfortable around humans than any other dragon Silver had seen. It was surprising, considering the fact she had spent most of her life captured in A.O.D.H.

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