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in which a teenage peasant girl and a young boy from another village meet and fall in love and she gets pregnant and then doesn't see the boy again until a couple years later after she becomes the new queens lady-in-waiting, and runs into him again only to find out he's actually the new king who had been hiding his identity from her before. And what happens when the King and Queen can't make an Heir and another country tries to take over? will she tell the King about their son they had years before? How will the king find out he has a son? How will the new queen react? is she jealous? will she try to kill the son or mother? Will their son get legitimized so other countries will stop starting a war? Will the king and her fall in love again although he's married to the queen?


I honestly have no clue who would be good for this type of story lmao. I just thought of it while watching reign. but with the right writer it could be such a great story.

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