I Would Bear Your Children if Only You'd Let Me! - Lafayette

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Lafayette x Reader
Prompt #73 - "I would bear your children if only you'd let me!" Prompt #67 - "What's an anime?"
Time - Modern
Triggers - Anime, Swearing, Confusion, Black Butler, Cute AF reaction from Laf
(A/n) - So I know this isn't what you meant by your request TacoUnicorn21 but, I couldn't think of anything with them all together in one chapter. So, I'm making three separate chapters about Laf for you. PLEASE ENJOY!

"Okay, mon amour, so what's an anime?" my boyfriend Laf asks me just as I look up an episode of Black Butler. "They're like cartoons but not. Also, most of them are made in Japan." I say as I start to play an episode of Black Butler. "You're welcome to watch if you'd like." I say and Laf jumps over the back of the couch. He sits on the couch beside me and leans on my shoulder. "What is this one called?" He asks and I pause the episode. "It's called Black Butler. Would you like me to explain what's going on or do you want me to start from the beginning?" I ask and look at him. He tells me that he'd like to watch from the beginning and I look up the first episode.

We watch the first episode and after Laf is left with wide eyes. "Wanna watch the next one?" I ask and he nods clicking the next episode. Once we get a bit in I pause the episode and look at Laf. At that point Grell had already had already revealed himself and he had said many "romantic" things to Sebastian. "I would bear your children if only you'd let me!" I say standing and doing an impression of Grell. "And I will." Laf says standing up and looking down at me. I look up and smile. Still doing my Grell impression I say, "Oh Bassy, our relationship is like the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet!" I laugh and fall on the couch wrapping a blanket around myself. "I was serious when I said I would let you bear my children." I hear Laf say then the rest is a blur(sir).

Okay, so I know that was really short but I'm writing this at like 1 in the morning. I hope you enjoyed this sorry thing. Also, thank you to all the people reading this. I have over 170 reads on this book and it makes me happy that I can make stories that people like. THANK YOU EVRYONE!

♥~Sebby_is_out ~♥

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