Sirens and Star Gazing

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The Next Day

I woke up inside of a red Lamborghini, I could slightly hear the small snores coming through the speakers I bite my lip holding back a laugh hearing Sideswipe mumble things about gummy bears with knives. I bite on my knuckle to keep quiet while he mumbles "Please don't eat the elf" then Sideswipe jolts awake "Don't eat me!" He yelps making me laugh then slap my hands over my mouth, "Oh you think that's funny?" He asks I could hear that sass in his voice making me nod, "Sideswipe did the gummy bears eat the elf?" I ask then hear Sideswipe sniffle, "Yes!" "Aww poor baby," I say rubbing the dash lovingly making him purr, "How about you rub my seats baby, that would make me happy instead of sad~" I gasp then blush taking my had away from the dash, "Perv," I say with a playful glare at the radio, "Aww baby don't say that I'm only a perv around you~" he purrs making my heart clench in a good way, this Autobot was a flirt!

"Did it hurt?" He hums, I know where he's going with this "Did what hurt?" I ask playing along, "When you fell from heaven, because it's hard to find an angel like you" he says I could hear the wink in his tone, I blush making him chuckle once more I felt my heart clench in that good way and it was getting weird, my heart has never done that before, you know, clench like that.

"Just when Sunshine wakes up we can-OUCH!" Sideswipe says but then yelps in pain making me tense, "Are you okay Sideswipe?" I ask worryingly, "I'm fine just SunStreaker being a jerk!" He says I could almost see him glaring at the yellow Autobot making my lips twitch in a small smile.

"So are you ready?" Sideswipe asks to mainly SunStreaker.

"Yes! Now let's leave this disgusting barn!" SunStreaker growls.

Sideswipe pops open the door while I hear metal shifting and gears hissing, I looked behind me and see SunStreaker in his Autobot mode, I look up at him and offer him a smile which only makes him grunt and look away, "Lets go," SunStreaker grunts then leaves the barn Sideswipe grabs me and plops me on his shoulder while walking out of the barn after SunStreaker, once back to the highway Sideswipe and SunStreaker both transform and drive off down the road.

Moments Later

"How about we listen to some of your music?" Sideswipe asks, "So I can get to know what you listen to," "Alright" I shrug then pull out my iPod "Where's your aux cord?" I ask, "Glove box sweet spark," he says ever so sweetly making me smile and my heart clench in that goody way, I pop open the glove box and grab the aux cord then close the glove box gently, I plug in the aux cord to the stereo and then my iPhone 7, I type in my code and go to my music, I scroll down and pick my favorite song "Roses by The Chainsmokers" I put my iPod on shuffle and lean back and listen to the song occasionally humming along.

I get so lost in the words and beat I jolted slightly when the song ended, "That was a good song nice beat to it," Sideswipe says then "Monster by Skillet" comes on, "Ooooooo!" Sideswipe sings making me chuckle "I love this song!" I could hear Sideswipe singing along to the song he had a pretty hot voice, I hold back a blush....

Did I just think that?!

Once the song is over Sideswipe stops singing "Awesome job! Amazing voice!" I compliment, "Why thanks my lady," he says sounding like a gentlemen, "I was a singer back at N.E.S.T. the mech and femme soldiers loved me," he says "Don't listen to him," SunStreaker grunts "He's lying" making me giggle while Sideswipe complains "Why did you do that? She was falling for it!" "No she wasn't dumb aft!" SunStreaker growls, "Alright she wasn't falling for it! Believe what you want my weird confusing brother" Sideswipe says making me chuckle.

Moments Later

"You have your own rag?" I say crossing my arms over my chest while SunStreaker handed me his very own rag, it was yellow of course it was made out of a soft fabric, "Yes, now don't scratch my paint or I'll offline you slowly" he warns before transforming into his Lamborghini, I wanted to drool over that car, that beautiful yellow paint along with those black tires and rims, I put some change in the machine and set it to bubbles, I grab the soft fabric brush and start scrubbing, soon he is all soapy and ready for the water, I groan seeing I was almost out of time I grab a quarter and put it in the machine.

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