Prologue- Memories:

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   As my numb fingers touched his neck, I felt the heat leaving his body. What used to be hot blood are now cold bloody veins. Every time, my eyes rake his bloody body on the floor, it reminded me of the pain that his murder had caused me. Yet, for some reason, I couldn’t walk away and watch as his body becomes part of the earth beneath my feet. As I make my way back to the inside of the house, I hear a whisper and as sudden as it came, it left, leaving a weird sensation behind as I kept walking, goose bumps rising. I tried to tell myself that it was just the wind playing games on my guilty mind, but somehow I knew that it wasn’t true.  As I come to the first door, I notice that the door is ajar, maybe the woman thinks her husband is coming back from his jog. Ha! That was not happening, as I tiptoed into the room I heard a noise I could recognize easily as water dripping, she was showering, that was the perfect chance. I made my way into the bathroom, the door was open and as I got closer I felt the hot steam from the water. I inched close to the door, the bathroom was big, and it had a tub, two sinks and a stand up shower. The woman was in the shower, raising the knife I planned to use, I heard a hum, the hum of a sung, a lullaby, and a lullaby that my mom used to sing to me when I was little. I drew the curtain open, placed the handkerchief I had in my other hand over her nose while at the same time, closing her mouth. I couldn’t let her suffer as much as I let her husband, I couldn’t bring myself to it. The handkerchief was soaked in chloroform. Closing my eyes, I moved my right hand, knife in its usual place, ready to slit her throat open and as I did I remembered all the beautiful memories we shared together, the walks in the park, the reading, buying ice cream, the news about her new baby. It was all coming back, as tears slipped my eyes and left a track on my cheeks, but I couldn’t do anything. This had to be done. Her body was limb and heavy, bloody and warm, a strange feeling overwhelmed me as I laid her softly in the bathtub; silent tears came to my eyes, each one bringing new feelings and old endings.

As I turn around, I am encounter with big blue eyes in a small face, a delicate, small, innocent face, one that will haunt me for the rest of my days. As I as I look at the holder of the eyes, a new wave of tears pool in my eyes, threatening to spill, I blink them away and look at the little girl that has seen God knows what. She is small, and looks to be about 5, with long red hair, big, big blue eyes; she’s so small, so fragile, yet when you look into her eyes you see someone strong, and yet, seeing her mother being murdered must be heart-shattering and she did what I never thought she would, speak –“Why did you do that to my mom?” She was crying and her voice came out so broken, so deep yet so thin it almost killed me inside.  

I said nothing, just looked at her expectedly, like she was going to do something and at my surprise she did. She started banging her little fits against my stomach at the same time she cried out again and again the same question “Why?” I let her do this until she got tired, not minding a bit as she did. When she was finished, I let myself fall to my knees and tugged her close to my body, hugging her, and at first she tensed at my touch, but as the seconds passed she found herself relaxing under my touch. Knowing that I would not hurt her and I was sorry for what I did. At that moment I remembered who I am. 

Authors note!: this is just a little bit to give you'll a hint about how this story will go. The beginning wont seem like the prologue but bear with me plssss it will be good. Dont forget plss coment, vote and if any of you have questions or advise DM me or coment xx ♥

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