Chapter four: The baseball accident.

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                                                                         Cecily's POV 

                                           Today is finally the sports event! Can't wait.

Blake came up to me. "What the fuck does my shirt have blood stain on it?!" He yelled at me. Oops, remember that I pricked my hand alot of times with a needle? Well about that. I might of wiped it on the shirt  and the blood dripped out of my hand too. "Hey I worked hard for that! At least be thankful I did the hard work!" I yelled back. Man what a bother. "Oh thanks."He said sarcastically. I got pissed and cracked my fingers and grabbed his shirt and flipped him over. "Sorry."Blake moaned but I think he meant that. I just walked away.

I went to the washroom to change into my gym clothes. Sweatshirt on and jogging pants put. Ok. I'm pumped up NOW! I love Sports that anything. I went out of the stall and walked to the hall. I accidentally bumped in to a person. "Oh sorry I wasn't watching were I was going." I panicked. "Oh it's ok I was standing in front of the door anyway. Haha." He apologized. Hey, he looks pretty cool for a brunettes. I stared at him for a few moments.He glanced at me and I looked away. "Um have we met before?" He asked to break the silence. "I don't think so. Cecily Laras,my name is Cecily Laras,Class A ." I put out my hand to shake his.He seems a very nice person and I wanted two know him better."Oh. Adam Willner Class D."He grabbed my hand to a shake.

"Are you joining the Sports Event?"He asked.Wow that's a stupid question because clearly the flyer said EVER CLASS has to participate."Yeah I love sports,I'm joined the baseball and soccer game, one in the morning and one the afternoon.How about you?"I chattered. Man I think I might like hanging around him he makes me feel...relaxed. "I joined the soccer.Not to brag or anything but I was on the soccer team in middle school and I was team captain." He announced."That's cool." I breathed and couldn't think for anything to say. "Well I woul--"He breathed but stopped when one of his friends called his name for help. "Oh I better get going to class,you should too.Well talk later. " He applied.I nodded and we walked the opposite way.

                                                                 Back in class.

I opened the door and look what I found. People wearing their sweatshirt and not showing their number tags. "Hey You have to show the class tag!" I yelled. Man I second I was gone and people mess up my plan. "Hey lis--" The bell for the sports event interrupted my line. "Is it time to gather?" Blake asked. "At the field?" Loki suggested. I was going to the door to go to the field. I sense something...

                                                          On the baseball field.

Wow so hot for September. I am the only girl in the field.Everyone sat around the field.Very loud for a couple of hundred people or should I say boys. I was the batter for the first round. Man,my heart is beating fast. I can't help but kind of get nervous. But  why should I get nervous anyway.I took a deep breath and let it out. I walked to the plate and wore my baseball helmet and grabbed the bat. I saw Adam sitting in the very back and Blake,Loki and Vinnie sitting in the front.I don't see Austin. Not like I would care! Haha.

I squeezed the bat hard. Tyler was the referee he blowed the whistle. "Game on!" He yelled. My heart kept bounding. Some boy was the pitcher. He threw the ball and went straight. I closed my eyes and then opened them at the same time swing my the ball with my bat. The second I hit the ball I dropped my bat and started running to the plate 1. I got a home run and kept going. Plate 2. Then plate 3. Lastly Home plate. I slides on the ground and my foot touched the plate. HOME RUN!!

"YEAH!" I said under my breath. "Hey did you see her run.Like a monster." Someone said. What the fuck. I got a home run and I bet no of you can. That comment kind of made me sad. I went to the bench and sat down.

It took a pretty long time til my turn again. I was the pitcher now. Ok I got this. I took a deep breath and gripped the ball. I looked up to my opponent.I didn't see the persons face but not like I care. I took a step and threw the ball. The ball went fast and straight. The person missed. "Strike one!" Tyler yelled. "Wow she is a MONSTER.So not natural."Someone whispered to a person. That didn't bother me at all. I got the ball again. I threw the ball again real hard this time.Again missed. "Strike Two!" He yelled again. You know all that yelling will make your throat hurt. One more time.I threw the ball and the person missed...AGAIN! "Strike Three! Your out!" The batter didn't move an inch. Tyler yelled again "Your out. get out!" He didn't move again. Then when I took of my hat to wipe my sweat I saw the batter gripped his bat hard and turned to face Tyler, he swinged his bat to hit his head but I ran towards him and went in front of Tyler and blocked the bat with my forearm. I heard his huffing and panting. People in the seating area were surprised,happy and don't care. But I saw Adam jumped to the field and running towards me. "Dude calm down." I said to the person. He dropped his bat and it hit my foot but I kicked it up and I grabbed it. "S-s-s-oo-oo-rry." he said nervous and scared.

I gripped the bat and I hit the guys head with the tip of the bat not that hard but a bonk on the head. He looked up. Wow he look hot. "NEVER HIT A PERSON WITH A BAT! Seriously you could kill someone with thi--" I yelled. I got an idea. "Well maybe I should try if it works huh?"I asked I tried swing the bat to his head but he dodged it. "Nice. Well I won't hurt you,but never do that again,OK?!"  He nodded rapidly. "Good." I patted his head and walked to the gate. "Wait!" Tyler yelled back to me. I stooped on my trackes and he touched my shoulder and turned me around to face him. "Are you ok? That bat hit your forearm." He breathed. Adam came too and said the same thing. Man mommies here. I swiped Tylers hand of my shoulder and breathed hard. "Man stop worrying! I'm ok." I breathed. I turned around and walked to the school garden.

I sat down on the bench right under a tree. My right forearm hurts. I pulled up my sleeve and I saw a frickin purple blue bruise. Yikes! Well this is what I get for protecting a friend. I touched the bruise and it fucking stings and hurts. I groaned. I pulled back the sleeve and layed down on the bench. So hot. I closed my eyes to rest.  "My next game starts half an  hour for soccer." I breathed checking my watch on my bruised forearm. I dropped my arm and it was swinging on the floor. What can go wrong?! "Hey." Austin said.

Ugh I can't rest! "What? Want to die?!" I yelled still closing my eyes. "No I just wanted to come by and sniff flowers." He admitted. "Wow, great,interesting. GO AWAY Now!" I answered. One second of rest. Fuck him! "Ok. But can I ask something.Can I sit down?" He asked. "Hm, Fine." I breathed,trying to get up to my sitting position. He looked at the ground then at me. I was confused. I got up since he won't talk and all. He grabbed my arm--- wait let me fix that. He grabbed my BRUISED ARM! He squeezed it hard. "NGH," I grinded my teeth. He got up and dragged me inside of school. His hand is warm. I felt someone's presense rather mine and Austins. I turned around and I found no one.Maybe my imagination or something.

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